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英语教学中的交际法及写作学习技巧 第2页

更新时间:2010-10-21:  来源:毕业论文
英语教学中的交际法及写作学习技巧 第2页
1.   Problems with English Teaching and Learning in China
Although a lot of reforms have been implemented in China, no great change has taken place in our English teaching and learning. Many students who have learnt English for several years can not yet communicate with others in English properly and do not know how to write job application forms. Main reasons for those problems have been figured out(are still to be found).
1.1 Teachers’ Inappropriate Methods to Teach English(in English Teaching)
On the one hand, headmasters and teachers have paid more attention to the results, which is the general tendency in the different areas of education in China. But high marks do not mean the good ability of handling a kind of language. (Though it is not wrong for headmasters and teachers to stress the results of their teaching, which is the general tendency in different areas of education in China, it does not mean good marks are equal to the high competence of their students in handling practical language problems.) Actually, neither teachers nor parents  emphasize enough the training strategies for the students’ communicative efficiency in English. On the other hand, in order to be understood easily, some teachers prefer to teach English in their mother tongue.(  What is worse, in order to make their students understand easier, quite a lot of teachers prefer to teach English in their mother tongue Chinese) I cannot agree more that it is much easier and more efficient to teach English grammar in one’s mother tongue, however, it is not the proper or professional way in that people acquire the language in daily life more efficiently. And the mother tongue may have some negative influence on the second language learning.
1.2 Students’ Inappropriate Approaches to English Learning
The most important factor for students who focus on the tests is under the influence of their teachers’ and parents’ opinions. They have gradually been used to taking the examination results as the criteria of their academic success. Take college students for example, their purpose of learning English is to get high marks in the exams, and then to apply for good jobs after their graduation. However, we cannot only blame the students for their poor ways to learn English(skills in using the Engilsh language) Another factor contributes to the situation is that students in schools or colleges do not have so many opportunities(have never been given enough opportunities or chances) to communicate with native speakers.
Faced with such problems, the author thinks that communicative approach is the proper way to improve the situation. And actions should be taken especially in the field of the English teaching at colleges and universities.
2.   The Communicative Approach in English Teaching
2.1 The Definition of Communicative Approach
Communicative approach refers to the theory of teaching according to the principle that the students and teachers should genuinely communicate with each other using the target language.
Littlewood William   divided the communicative approach into two kinds of activities, that is, pre-communicative and communicative activities. Here is a graph to show his way of teaching.
Pre-communicative Activities    structural activities          
quasi-communicative activities
Communicative Activities    functional communication activities
                           social interaction activities
The pre-communicative activities are preparatory steps towards communicative activities. The teachers should analyze all the communicative abilities and then let the students practice them bit by bit. The aim is for the learners to practice on how to use the language they need when they want to express themselves in actual life.
There are two types of pre-communicative activities which are structural activities and quasi-communicative activities. Structural activities are much like the grammar exercises in which teachers teach students how to use grammatical rules in their communication. For example, the teacher may teach the students how to use intensifiers by making sentences like the following: I was very late for the film. But I wasn’t too late for the film. These two
sentences show the differences of “very” and “too”. Quasi-communicative activities are intended to help learners relate the structures they毕业论文http://www.751com.cn  are studying to the use of the language. Some quasi-communicative activities include: situational dialogues; open-ended dialogue; timetable, map, food list, shopping list, etc.
Functional communication activities and social interaction activities are the two types of communicative activities. The purpose of functional communication activities is to let the learners use the language they have learnt to express themselves orally. The purpose of social interaction activities is to give the students an opportunity to use the language in an appropriate social context, to create a variety of social situations and relationships, such as having pair work, group work, having conversations, simulations and role-playing and so on.
2.2 Two Principles of Communicative Approach
Among the numerous principles of communicative approach, two of them can be taken as the key ones which have really dominant.
2.2.1 Create More Realistic Situations for English Practice
The current teaching methods do not emphasize the real world situations and fail to cultivate students’ spontaneity. Artificial conventions and mechanical question-and-answer sequences fall short of the flexible, spontaneous kind of communicative interaction required for performing a task with the context of situation relevant to the real world. Such classroom teaching forces learners to talk about things that are not of their own choosing and not based on

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