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英语教学中的交际法及写作学习技巧 第6页

更新时间:2010-10-21:  来源:毕业论文
英语教学中的交际法及写作学习技巧 第6页
3.2.6 Editing
Editing is the stage when students read through their writings and check the clarity of ideas or the logical development of their arguments. Also, students check carefully the grammar, spelling and punctuation of their writings. Editing may take two forms: peer editing and self-editing. Peer editing refers to students’ editing of each other’s writings, while self-editing refers to students’ editing of their own writings. Both editing activities are beneficial for improving students’ writing skills as both processes can help raise their awareness about how to develop ideas and how to write clearly with their help of their knowledge in grammar, spelling and punctuation. It is important to note that editing is not simply to find error about one’s or others’ writing, but to negotiate meaning and improving writing. Therefore, both editing activities need teachers’ guidance. After peer editing, both the editors and the writers should be given time to exchange ideas and if necessary they should be encouraged to justify for the changes they make.
3.2.7 Revising
Revising is the stage when teachers guide students to make necessary improvements in both organization and contents based on either self-editing or peer editing, e.g. adding new points or deleting irrelevant facts, and correcting errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar or choice of words. Some people mistake revising as simply correcting mistakes. This is obviously not the whole story. So during the process of revising, proper guidance is needed. It is important for the teacher to tell students to revise their writings independently. If they do not agree with their peer editors’ suggestions, they can choose not to follow them. Revising can take several rounds, so students need to be prepared to write a second and a third draft before they submit the final draft.
3.2.8 Proofreading
For any piece of writing, proofreading is the final stage before one hands in the final draft. At this stage, students should be guided to read their writings again carefully for any mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or capitalization. Of course, students can also help each other at this stage, but it is always important to encourage students to do independent proofreading so that they develop such an ability for future writing. At this stage, teachers should limit their involvem毕业论文http://www.751com.cn nt in making corrections for the students. Even if when teachers grade the paper, they may not need to present all the correct forms. They can underline these problematic items and leave them for the students to do the correction themselves. In order to keep tract of how students to do self-correction, a form can be used so that both teachers and students can check from time to time to see if the same mistakes or errors are repeated.
The above process is the general steps for writing. The author would like to show another model writing to readers. The topic is chosen from the English test of 2010 Entrance Test for MA\MS Candidates. It is worth learning for English learners.
Firstly, you should describe the drawing briefly;
The picture illustrates various raw materials making up a delicious and nourishing “cultural chafing dish”. These materials -- ranging from Confucianism, Beijing opera, KongFu, kindheartedness to ballet, Einstein, Shakespeare – could be categorized as literature, moral values and performing arts。
Secondly, explain its intended meaning;
The picture conveys an idea that combination of different cultures is an inevitable trend, it enlightens us and it helps the whole world toward harmony. Firstly, not only Chinese cultures (Confucianism, Beijing opera…) but also Western cultures (ballet, Shakespeare…) are so attractive that no one can possibly resist. Many people from different countries have been deeply fascinated by Chinese culture. Meanwhile, the Chinese people are also exposed to amazing foreign cultures. Secondly, we can’t deny that both historical cultures and modern cultures play significant role in social progress. BiShen, LaoShe, Shakespeare and Einstein all had devoted their lives to global culture development。
Last, give your comments.
I do agree on a matter: each culture is a kind of precious heritage and the combination of cultures promotes social advancement. Consequently, it is time to find ways to accelerate the merge of cultures. For one thing, the government should support culture combining programs and fund more culture projects. For another, we should enhance our awareness of driving the process of combining cultures. Let us enjoy this irreversible trend --- the combination of cultures。
3.3 Using the Internet to Promote Writing Process
Traditionally, compositions have to be written out or printed out, turned in on certain dates, and then handed back to the students. This places a limit on the natural give-and-take that often takes place in more authentic forms of writing. With the development of modern technology, PCs are more common than before, students and teachers can communicate with each other more quickly and convenient and this convenience provide an access for students to promote their own writings.
E-mails preparation can provide an effective device for students to submit drafts and for teachers to look them over at their convenience and send them back with comments. New ideas are shared promptly and can be responded to quickly. Another advantage is that teachers can easily store all the drafts of a document for later review and analysis of the revision process. All these help promote the application of the process approach to writing in FLT classroom. In an E-mail based writing scheme, the students can not only send their writings to the teacher, but also can send their work to each other simultaneously. As a result, an individual student can receive comments from all peers, which helps to increase chances of exchanging and sharing ideas among them.
Besides E-mails, blogging and BBS are also very useful ways in teaching writing. The teacher can set up a class writing blog or BBS for writing tasks. Students can paste their assignments on the blog or BBS. In this way, students in the same class can read and comment on each others’ writing. It can motivate students to write and give them a real sense of communication through writing. Gradually, students can lead their own discussion.

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