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erp英文文献及外文翻译 第3页

更新时间:2010-10-25:  来源:毕业论文
erp英文文献及外文翻译 第3页
1  ERP concept and the history of the development
In recent years, with the major media widely reported that a large number of seminars held ERP as a hurricane swept across China, businesses seem to have the feeling that they are relevant and ERP. So in the end what is ERP? Let us know what specific, what is ERP.
ERP is a development by the Gartner Group concept, Description next generation manufacturing business systems and manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) software. Is the international advanced management mode. Its main purpose is to enterprises of all human, financial, material, information, time and space, integrated resource for overall balance and optimizes the manage辣-文^论/文.网http://www.751com.cn ment, geared to the global market, and coordinating the management department, focus on market-oriented business activities, making enterprises in the fierce market competition in all directions to have sufficient capacity, achieve the best economic benefits. For enterprises, the need to understand the "enterprise resource planning" (ERP), it is first necessary to clarify what "enterprise resource." In simple terms, "corporate resources" is the so-called three main streams: the flow of materials, funds and information flow. Accordingly we believe that ERP is an effective organization, planning and implementation of an enterprise of the "people" and "money", "objects" management system, which relies on IT skills and means to ensure that its message of integration, and integration of real-time. ERP was initially based on internal "supply chain" management thinking, MRPII is based on the expansion of the scope of management, is a new structure. It is the basic idea of the business processes as a closely linked to the supply chain; Enterprises will be divided into several mutual collaboration support subsystems, such as finance, marketing, manufacturing, quality control, service maintenance, engineering technology.
With 20 1960 economic growth slowed and the market competition intensifies, inventory and production to the production method allows enterprises to shoulder a heavy burden of the backlog, and under those orders and production, adapt quickly to changes in the market enterprises an advantage. In the 1980s, enterprises started by the entire supply chain internal controls and plans to guide production, to a market-oriented management of the center, while time understanding and control of the final product cost, At this point MRPII (Manufacturing Resource Planning) and the concept of the software came into being. Market-oriented supply chain management are referred to the important position.
Into the 90s of the 20th century, the world's economic structure has undergone several significant changes. Enterprises in order to adapt to the changing market demands, a single mode of production has become a mixed-mode of production. MRPII in dealing with these complex and volatile mix of production has been unable to accurately meet the enterprise management needs. And, because of MRPII timely rolling plan to control the entire production process, Compared to the more efficient the Internet is a timely example was poor, only achieving control later. Meanwhile, corporate profits increased emphasis on the role of control, simple financial data and production data integration has been unable to meet the requirements of management control. To internal and external wider scope of management and more flexible modes of production demands and realize the value of enterprises control, before and after 1990, to gradually replace the ERP MRPII. Become the mainstream of enterprise management software systems. Less means.

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