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erp英文文献及外文翻译 第4页

更新时间:2010-10-25:  来源:毕业论文
erp英文文献及外文翻译 第4页
2  SME information and the characteristics of the building
China's accession to the WTO, China's more than eight million SMEs to create a landmark opportunity for development, but also brought the most serious challenge of global economic integration, fierce competition in the market, the pressure on the internal and external environment, and so on. SMEs will be forced to speed up its own transformation, to improve their core competitiveness. And the use of IT to enhance internal information technology will become the SMEs to improve competitiveness, the achievement of the expected economic benefits of the important ways. Who can say that as long as the enterprises in today's information-based construction accounted for the initiative, Enterprise will come in the whole business competition of the researchers brandy!
However, Small and Medium Enterprise Management Information pace and the small and medium enterprises in economic life commitment to the important role not match, Currently still in the infancy stage. An authoritative market research on China's small and medium enterprise management information for the level of the special investigation showed : SME informatization construction generally low level of IT concepts independently, based on the lack of IT knowledge, IT personnel are limited. Data show that China has about 30% of small and medium business users still do not realize that information on business assistance, More than 80% of SMEs lack of professional IT staff.
3  ERP in China SMEs of the status
3.1  ERP in the use of SMEs in China Analysis
Although China has entered ERP for more than 20 years, but many of China's small and medium-sized enterprises, "ERP" only as a synonym for software management, synthesizer and comprehensive management of large enterprises "patent." Few SMEs to take the initiative to contact and the use of ERP. When my now many small and medium-sized enterprises to implement ERP only 3.8%% far lower than that of developed countries and some developing countries. However, as market competition intensifies, SMEs also face the question of how the use of information technology, strengthen management, improve efficiency, the use of ERP is the general trend.
First, from the impact of the development of SMEs factors, besides such as social environment, entrepreneurial experience The difficult financing, and other factors, the core factors still management. SMEs because of its simple structure, personnel, communication, management structure compared with large enterprises is not sufficiently regulated. Many sma辣-文^论/文.网http://www.751com.cn ll and medium enterprises, often in personal management system to replace management, and poor management, poor operating results. Information management is the process of regulating the process; Meanwhile, small and medium-sized enterprises need to face the same sales and marketing, production, financial accounting, personnel and organization management, They also require the use of advanced information technology in achieving the modernization of various management functions at the same time, will organize the management functions organically integrated, thereby creating an integrated enterprise management information system. Since the system is, it is not targeted at any particular aspects of the management of information, and should be comprehensive management information, This system should be an integrated system that includes all aspects of information management. Only by so doing contribute to enterprise data unification and accurate information flow and further development of enterprises to provide business intelligence and decision support capabilities, thereby improving the management level of enterprises and profitability. Therefore, regardless of size enterprises, ERP comprehensive information management is the path we must take.
Secondly, SMEs and large enterprises also need information sharing. From the market environment, the present competition is not a separate inter-enterprise competition but an industrial chain and the other an industrial chain competition. SMEs as an industry link in the chain, its small size, less source of information, more need for timely communication between the upstream and downstream industrial chain information, with the help of ERP systems to the high-speed channels to increase sources of information, improve the status of poor information, SMEs vitality and maintaining industrial chain to the long-term development; in the small and medium enterprise, Due to various departments with incomplete information, internal information exchange sluggish, very easily lead to business goals is not clear, it does not careful, blindly business activities, the direction of the market being misled, the waste of resources, and other ills. Therefore, there is an urgent need for ERP integration of the enterprise's internal information sharing.
ERP has been implemented in the enterprise, in accordance with the implementation phase, they will be divided into three categories : Phase I of the enterprise, refers to the overall system planning, the preparation has begun to be completed by the computer-aided manual complete change, based on data collated launched preparatory work for the enterprise; Phase II of the enterprise that the first stage, based on Application has been part of the system module of inventory management, procurement management, order management, materials management and other content, basically formed MRP-time enterprises; Stage III of the enterprise, point plan to expand capacity needs, put Job Shop, sales, finance delivery system, and basically formed the closed-loop MRP or ERP has been formed enterprises.

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