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erp英文文献及外文翻译 第5页

更新时间:2010-10-25:  来源:毕业论文
erp英文文献及外文翻译 第5页
3.2  SMEs use ERP as the problems encountered and Analysis of ERP system
3.2.1  Enterprises do not really understand the ERP system
while a large number of media publicity ERP system, it is to raise the level of corporate governance to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises as a weapon and so on. In fact the real advocates of ERP or large ERP software vendors, which caused you a wrong impression ERP is thought that a simple computer system, Enterprises in the ERP system exaggerated the computer management role While the computer would have felt sadder, on the other hand other management staff input not enough, eventually led to the failure of the entire system. In fact, the ERP system is a set of modern business management ideas and philosophy, which emphasizes the human, financial, material, supply, production, Pin fully integrated, comprehensive controlled, real-time feedback, dynamic coordination to sell reversed in demand for products, the effectiveness of the best, lowest cost, Process management, a flat structure, enterprise logistics, and capital flow, Information flowed from the present up-to-date knowledge of the flow of combining comprehensive enterprise management tools, It needs of the entire enterprise operating fully with, and the computer management is only one. enterprises will not be giving them such a tremendous responsibility, they do not have the ability.
3.2.2  Enterprises on ERP systems too big and ambitious
ERP systems including MRP calculation, simulation MRPII, JIT on time management, supply chain planning, constraint analysis, cash flow forecasting, ABC cost, the demand back, sales orders, customer management, supplier management, purchase orders, production orders, real-time cost analysis of kanban management, automatic scheduling, automatic instruments as basic modules, there is the quality of management, TQM full quality control, laboratory management, EDI, electronic data interchange, project management, C / S Computer Technology, project management, transportation management, equipment management, multi-currency multi-lingual taxes and many other modules, According still need to keep the number of independent modules, such as knowledge management and B2B online transactions, staff self-help services. So much for each module has its own unique functions, like some big enterprises seek perfection, ERP system on just what are the best equipped want everything in place, not only caused wastage of funds, The most important thing is more than one module is bound to have a large number of issues, including pre-training, basic data and software itself. seriously hurt enterprises to use the ERP system's confidence, leading to failure on the line. In fact, enterprises in ERP enterprise must analyze the needs of developing viable targets and standards on the line, step-by-step. by adding modules gradually improve ERP system.
3.2.3  Enterprise funds
ERP system is not only the pre-need a large capital investment, but in the course of operation will require a large amount of funds to maintain the maintenance, Some enterprises in the lane put a lot of hope that the funds once and for all. and the subsequent discovery system requires a large amount of funds to maintain or to be replaced by high-level leaders, or meet the economic downturn, This capital expenditure will erode.
3.2.4  Software vendors with their problems
Although China's small and medium-sized enterprises to use the ERP software, the majority are foreign veteran of the ERP, However, in its system still had a lot of small Bug. And I know domestic software vendors domestic and foreign software companies at th辣-文^论/文.网http://www.751com.cn e early stage in training, Secondary development and after-sales service are far from abroad, In particular, some domestic local ERP software developers and suppliers existence of a large number of issues, Therefore, in the selection of ERP software must be careful and pay attention to the software suppliers to provide preliminary training, Secondary development and after-sales service requirements so that at the beginning of the fall.
3.3  Use of ERP responses
3.3.1  Whether to initiate ERP to conduct a detailed investigation and analysis
Because society right ERP constantly speculating, it seems that many small and medium enterprises to find a new life-saving straw. Enterprise leadership of the specific role of ERP insufficient understanding that as long as the implementation of the ERP system, all problems will be solved not consider ERP in their own enterprises to whether, nor ERP implementation process is a gradual improvement in management of the process, to the extent that expectations are too high and impatience.
In fact, every industry has its own pressing problems that need to be resolved, for instance, in manufacturing, Some of the major problems of aging, no market, it needs in product research and product mix efforts; Some enterprises have obsolete equipment, backward technology, high-quality production is not competitive products, it needs technology, renew equipment. Such issues are not on the ERP system can be resolved. Some effects of competition, is not even need to rely on IT to resolve, such as the structure and mechanism, business strategy, the quality of personnel problems have not ibid. ERP is no direct relationship. Through the implementation of ERP, and some problems can be solved, and some problems are not present or in the case of unresolved. SMEs ERP implementation requires both a firm ideas, and to select the appropriate targets, establish a lasting commitment. And strict compliance with the principles of project management work, thoroughly and analysis, decision-making, would it be possible to avoid the implementation of the ERP system blindness. And blindness ERP system is the biggest failure of the potential risks.

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