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傲慢与偏见读后感英文毕业论文 第9页

更新时间:2010-10-30:  来源:毕业论文
傲慢与偏见读后感英文毕业论文 第9页
(4) Love of Sense:
Love of sense between Collins and Charlotte is definitely not praised by the author. Simply speaking, their marriage is based on considering and weighing the economic interests.
Collins not only has no any personality charm at all, but also stupid and foolish, while nevertheless he is really proud of himself blindly. Besides, he is humble and submits himself to Mrs. Catherine. With regard to such a man like him, Charlotte should not have any love. As a friend of Elizabeth, Charlotte is a wise lady. However, she holds a totally different view on marriage with Elizabeth. She treats marriage as the only choice of those ladies with little property while being educated well, and also their most pleased refuge that protect them from poverty. She considers marriage totally from the point of view of economic interests. As for this value of marriage, the author cannot agree and also she doesn't think it is a prudent choice. As a matter of fact, marriage between Collins and Charlotte is similar with that of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett. The source of the unhappy marriage is the estrangement between each other. Misery of Couple Bennett today is the portrait of Collins and Charlotte in the future.

(5) Love of True Love:
Why call it true love? It because their love is not superficially founded on the universally temporal love that “judged by appearance”. On the contrary, they reject each other from the very beginning when they just get to know each other, however, they gradually feel souls of each other and realize shortcomings of themselves when they constantly affiliate with each other.
From the pride of Darcy and prejudice of Elizabeth at the beginning gradually to the inter-attraction, then to falling in love with each other, this way of falling in love is no doubt what the author Jane Austen appreciates and praises. As a matter of fact, she has spared no effort to describe these two characteristics, and Elizabeth is her favorite hostess in all novels written by herself. Although Elizabeth is not the most beautiful among the daughters, she do has the most charming characteristics, which attract Darcy exactly. She is quick-witted and talks with a sense of humor but not acrid. She is self-confident and independent but doesn’t attach much importance to money. Her prejudice towards Darcy is the only shortcoming of her. She is just like a clear spring in the upper class that attracts Darcy deeply. However, Darcy leaves a very bad impression of pride on her at their first sight. Mr. Darcy is tall and stout, handsome and stylish. But these impressions on people changed very quickly. His behaviors disgust people and lead his reputation to fall sharply. Because people find that he is pride and hard to get closed to, and he treats himself as superior to any others. He leaves a really terrible impression on people, however as a matter of fact, this image of Darcy is the solidest, because it is outlined by the combination of different angles of views from different and different matters. It is exactly because of his attitude of pride that leads to prejudice and indifferent attitude of Elizabeth towards him. However, her indifferent attitude towards Darcy and the uniquely feminine charm of herself have made her brightly different from her sisters who keep flattering Darcy and holding the particular affection and pride of the upper class, and therefore, drawn Darcy’s attention. Bingley and Jane fall in love with each other at first sight, while Elizabeth and Darcy gradually know each other deeply and finally fall in love in the process from the emergence to the disappearance of pride and prejudice. Because they辣-文^论,文.网
http://www.751com.cn  are both intelligent and observant, they can always see through shortcomings of others. As a matter of fact, the supernormal intelligence is what Darcy is proud of, and marriage pattern of Darcy and Elizabeth is what the author Jane Austen always dreams of. Why? Because their marriage is combined with morality, sense and sensibility. They realize advantages and fall in love with each other in the process of seeking for shortcomings of each other. It is not only a sensible consideration but also represents the sublimation of their morality when Elizabeth eliminates her prejudice towards Darcy and Darcy finally overcomes his prejudice towards the family of Elizabeth, including his helping handle with the elopement matter of Lydia and Wickham.

(6) Brief Summary:
From the several different marriages mentioned above, we can conclude out Austen’s value of love and marriage, that is, a perfect marriage should be combined with morality, material, sense and sensibility and consideration of economic interests to some extent, however, the author holds the view that too much consideration of economy is harmful.
Marriage of Couple Bennett is result of Mr. Bennett’s emotional impulse and Mrs. Bennett’s consideration of economic interests; love and marriage of Jane and Bingley is based on sense and sensibility; marriage of Lydia and Wickham is completely founded on fleshliness, they completely ignore social morality and the need of sense and sensibility, they are the targets that be looked down on; marriage of Collins and Charlotte is based on Charlotte’s consideration of economic interests, it is actually a loss of morality that she completely equates marriage with economic gain or loss; marriage of Elizabeth and Darcy is really founded on a combination of sense and sensibility, with the emergence and disappearance of contradiction, they finally reach a consensus which leads to the morality sublimation of their marriage, since Darcy eliminate his pride and Elizabeth takes away her prejudice. Among these five marriages, only marriage of Elizabeth and Darcy suits the standards that kept in the author’s mind. Their marriage is the most perfect and successful.

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