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薪酬管理与精神激励机制外文文献及翻译 第4页

更新时间:2010-11-8:  来源:毕业论文
薪酬管理与精神激励机制外文文献及翻译 第4页
  As the sensitivity and privileges, and each company's management will pay big difference. Moreover, as the administration itself has many different types of management, such as the post-wage, the wage-type skills, seniority-based pay, performance-based pay, and so different between the companies pay almost no management reference. In theory, only when the staff of the true costs and true return is not directly proportional to the time, staff will be on his salary dissatisfaction. But even if the pay issue is how fair and reasonable, the majority of the employees will pay for their discontent. Dissatisfied with the pay is not the objective of the unfair and irrational actions, and the reason for this was that :
○1 Below expectations
When the salary below his expectations, he will pay dissatisfaction. This expectation is only the self-positioning. Generally, employees tend to overestimate their own in a company and the value of the contribution, you will naturally have high expectations, naturally there will be many people dissatisfied with their pay.
The same officers below the 原文请找腾讯752018766辣-文^论,文.网http://www.751com.cn have the sentiment of discontent, and the greater the gap. The higher the degree of dissatisfaction. Because each of their own strengths, expertise and contribution to the company will be kept in mind, and even some amplification, But others often do not see the advantages of expertise and contribution, and relatively easy to other people's shortcomings memories。Especially for their large contributions than the same staff, instinctive jealousy often that he does not like himself. This overestimate their mentality, it is hard to themselves and others make an objective evaluation, but also the resentment.
○2 Overestimated others pay, while others underestimate the performance
Because of the pay and performance appraisal results are usually confidential. staff from the official channels can not be true of detailed information. Pay for others interested in the evaluation and the staff will often be based on hearsay or speculation. Such speculation tends to overestimate the salaries of others to underestimate the performance of others, the pay is unfair, pay for their own discontented.
○3Dissatisfied with the spirit of treatment will lead to dissatisfaction with pay
Treatment of mental treatment is an important part, it mainly refers to the work of competence, a sense of achievement, responsibility and attention. influential, rich in personal growth and the value of the contribution of factors such as dissatisfaction. Mental treatment is hidden, the employees expressed dissatisfaction with the spirit of the treatment, often emphasized the treatment of material dissatisfaction. Spirit of the treatment is a demand, it will not be because of neglect disappear. Solve this problem, the main way is to raise the spirit of the staff treatment, and not pay (physical treatment).

2. Raise staff salaries to the satisfaction of management thinking
Salary Management is a human resources management of a difficult, salary management policy is also company employees are most concerned about one of the company's policy. In developing the new pay policy, the Human Resources Department will conduct extensive and in-depth surveys, and superior leadership and repeated discussions, After several revisions. Although pay management is the human resources department of most-fetched thing, but the results are often not allow staff satisfaction.
(1)Satisfaction and the importance of the decision factors
Management staff of the pay level of satisfaction is a measure of the level of remuneration management of the most important criteria. Employees are allowed to pay satisfied, it can be better for the company, the pay is the fundamental purpose of management. Management employees pay higher degree of satisfaction that the incentive pay more obvious results, the staff would work better, So will receive higher pay, which is a positive cycle. If employees pay a lower level of satisfaction, will be plunged into a negative cycle. Standing here before, will result in the loss of staff.
Management employees pay satisfaction, the community depends on the average salary comparison and fair degrees. Comparing average social workers will refer their pay levels with the same positions in the same industry pay comparisons If it is found that their pay is higher than the average level, the satisfaction would increase, If it is found that their own salaries below the average level, the satisfaction will be reduced. Pay management is one of the major tasks of the job market value assessment, the staff will be able to attract the pay standards.
   Fair degree refers to the workers their salary and the salaries of other staff compared the feeling after equality. Raising pay is a fair degree of management difficulties. In fact, the Human Resources Department can not be done on this point so that all staff satisfaction. Many companies pay the reason why the secrecy is to prevent employees know the salaries of other staff level, reduce the pay of the management of fair degree of recognition. Moreover, if not for a fair degree of recognition, the staff will be very difficult to agree with the pay and performance link thereby reducing the performance evaluation of the results.
(2)How to improve the management of pay satisfaction
Management pay raise satisfaction from the average level with the community and raise more fair degree of two ways. Regardless of the salary management company to which types of management, the market value of positions is essential to the assessment. Human Resources Department can suggest to the company staff salaries slightly higher than the level at the same trade status with the salary level above (1 as about 10-20%), which is conducive to the stability and staff recruitment.
Is a fair degree of subjective feelings of the staff, the human resources department will not attempt to amend the pay system to solve this problem. Of course, the pay system unsuited to the needs of development of the company, the amendment can be made, it is not fair to improve the most effective way. In resolving this issue, the Human Resources Department should focus on the management of the pay process, and not pay management results.

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