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药剂师工资薪水外文参考文献及译文 第5页

更新时间:2010-11-19:  来源:毕业论文
药剂师工资薪水外文参考文献及译文 第5页
Another 2003 report also found that males did not earn more than females in all settings. Although Cline's report of pharmacists' salaries in multiple settings over 4 states revealed no salary disparity between single men and married or single women, single men earned significantly more than single women in large chain settings and married women working in mass merchandiser or supermarket settings. Interestingly, however, married women in HMO/Outpatient hospital settings earned significantly more than single men in these settings. The Cline study is also significant in that it was the only multistate study that examined the effect of marital status on salaries.
A study that seems to corroborate Cline's findings of higher female compensation in some settings is the most recent results of the 2005 National Salary Survey by Drug Topics, which demonstrated that males made higher salaries in independent and hospital settings, but females made higher salaries in chain settings.However, while men made higher average hourly wages in independent pharmacies, the hourly wages were the same in chains, and females made higher hourly wages in hospitals. This study also shows the confounding that can occur when examining salaries rather than hourly wages.
There have also been at least 3 studies that suggest wage disparities among male and female pharmacists may not exist, when other factors are considered. Two of these studies used a national sample of pharmacists. Schondelmeyer et al published the results of a national survey sent to pharmacists from varying backgrounds in 1992. This study demonstrated that men had an average total compensation package of $51,032, whereas women had an average total compensation package of $44,751. However, after adjusting for the number of years in practice and hours worked, males had an hourly wage that was higher than females for only years 21-25 in practice, because, on average, males had more experience in practice and more years with their present employer.
A study by Carvajal and Hardigan (2004) examined salaries among a national sample of pharmacists in various fields. Males were found to earn significantly more money, but when males and females had the same experience and work effort, the differences in salary 原文请找腾讯752018766辣,文'论~文.网http://www.751com.cn when setting, position, and years in practice were controlled.
The data from these national and state wage/salary surveys are inconclusive as to whether wage disparities exist due to gender; however, the Carvajal study and the Mott study seem to suggest that the disparity no longer exists when other factors are taken into consideration. In addition, of the studies that seemed to indicate an overall salary disparity for females, none of them used a statistical test to test for significance nor controlled for other variables. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze multiple-state wage data in a way that controls for various demographic variables to clarify if gender wage disparities exist, and if they do not, what is responsible for the difference in wages seen between male and female pharmacists in the United States.

3. Objectives
The overall objective of this study was to determine if wage disparities exist between male and female pharmacists at the multistate and individual-state level for Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Tennessee, and Florida. A secondary objective was to explore the effect of various demographic variables on the hourly wage of male and female pharmacists.

4. Methods
Data were collected from pharmacists in 6 states during 2003 using a cross-sectional descriptive survey design. Names and addresses of pharmacists who maintained active licenses to practice pharmacy in the state of their residence were collected from respective state boards of pharmacy. Surveys were mailed to 8,550 pharmacists: 4,000 in Florida, 1,500 in Illinois, 1,000 in Wisconsin, 800 in Tennessee, 650 in Iowa, and 600 in Minnesota. The number of pharmacists surveyed in each state was based on the total number of licensed pharmacists residing in the state for an expected response rate of 40%. (Previous salary surveys in these states obtained a 40% response rate.)
Each pharmacist received an initial mailing that included a cover letter stating the purpose of the survey and inviting participation, a 4-page survey instrument, and a postage-paid return envelope. The survey questions were designed to obtain information about the primary job the pharmacist held at the time of the survey in 2003. Information related to the number of hours worked by the pharmacist in a typical week, including compensated and uncompensated hours, was also collected. The researchers attempted to maximize the response rate by sending reminder postcards to all sampled pharmacists, 1 week after the initial mailing, and a replacement survey packet was sent to nonresponders 3 weeks after the postcard mailing.

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