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法律外文文献翻译-股东代表诉讼制度 第4页

更新时间:2010-11-22:  来源:毕业论文
法律外文文献翻译-股东代表诉讼制度 第4页
(E) Shareholder litigation burden on the legal consequences and costs
Shareholder litigation is not only the legal effect of the decision and the original, both the accused, but also, and in the company and other shareholders. Therefore, the ruling comes into effect, other shareholders may not bring on the same grounds again on behalf of the shareholders lawsuit. Shareholders in favor of the plaintiff's case, the interest attributable to the company successful. In this regard, China's "Company Law" are not specifically regulated, but the "interpretation of Law (2) (Draft)" Article 32 provides that: "The plaintiff filed suit on behalf of shareholders, the establishment of their claims, the court shall defendant was ordered to bear the compensation responsibility directly to the company in the plaintiff lost the case, the plaintiff shareholders will not only bear the corresponding legal costs, but also can be ordered on the defendant and the company liable for any loss so suffered. Meanwhile, China's "Company Law" and "Law explained (b) (draft)" were not lost when the plaintiff shareholders, the company and the defendant's liability be clearly defined. However, "explained Law (2) (Draft)" established by section 30 of the cost of litigation security system is in fact implicit compensation for the judicial attitude of the defendant. Legal costs, according to the applicable conditions of security system, only the plaintiff shareholders malicious litigation cases, the defendant can be ordered compensation for damage suffered. As to whether the plaintiff shareholders should the company lose the liability for damage, from company law to make judicial interpretation can not directly determine, but the objective has yet to be prohibited, it may wish to consider the specific circumstances may be determined according to the court. Of course, if the judge lost the case, the plaintiff shareholders, the company's liability for damages it suffered, the plaintiff shareholder must also be premised on malicious litigation.
 (Vi) the cost of litigation compensation system
In the shareholder lawsuit, the plaintiff shareholders, the proceedings for the company's interests, vested interests in favor of the company, but legal costs borne by the individual. In the unsuccessful case, the plaintiff shareholders may have to bear the additional damage on the defendant and the liability of the company. Therefore, countries (regions) the plaintiff has established the Company Law, after most of the litigation costs of compensation system. China's "Company Law" which are not specifically regulated, but the "interpretation of Law (2) (Draft)" Article 32 provides that: "the plaintiff may be based on the request of shareholders, ruling the company for the plaintiff the reasonable litigation expenses costs to be compensated.
滥觞于英、美判例法,并最终由美国制定法所确立的股东代表诉讼(Shareholder’s Derivative Suit)制度先后被世界各国普遍继受,如今世界各卞要国家公司法都己规定了该制度。
顾名思义,股东诉讼的原告应为股东,包括普通股股东与优先股股东。在股东提起诉讼之后,其他股东可以参加该诉讼从而成为共同原告,但作为被告的股东则应排除在外。在代表诉讼中,股东要成为适格的原告,还必须具备一定资格。各国(地区)法律传统不同,关于代表诉讼股东原告的资格限制也有所不同。但总的来说,各国(地区)公司法对原告资格的限制主要表现为两个方面:一是持股时间要求,二是持股数量要求。在持股时间要求方面,英美法系国家对此采原文请找腾讯752018766辣,文|论~文/网http://www.751com.cn 不得对其成为公司股东之前,公司所受到的侵害提起代表诉讼。
  在持股数量要求方面,英美法系国家和地区基本上不加限制,但大多设置了善意规则(GoodFaith) ,要求股东在通过提起股东代表诉讼强制行使公司的权利时,必须公正和充分地代表公司的利益。

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