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关于培训的外文文献及翻译 第4页

更新时间:2010-11-23:  来源:毕业论文
关于培训的外文文献及翻译 第4页
In fact, training’s purposes are broader today than they have been in the past. Companies used to emphasize process training—teaching the technical skills required to perform jobs, such as training assemblers to solder wires or teachers to devise lesson plans.
In summary, the expansion of training’s role reflects the fact “the game of economic competition has new rules.” In particular, it’s no longer enough to just be efficient. Thriving today requires that the firm be fast and responsive. And it requires responding to customers’ needs for quality, variety, customization, convenience, and timeliness. Meeting these new standards requires a work force that is more than just technically trained. It requires people who are capable of analyzing and solving job-related problem, working productively in teams, and “switching gears” and shifting from job to job as well.
Unfortunately, a “training gap” exists and may even be widening. While some companies-IBM, Xerox, Texas Instruments, and Motorola, for instance-devote 5% to 10% of their payroll dollars to training activities, the average training investment by U.S. firms (while large in dollar terms) is less than 2% of payroll. Experts estimate that between 42% and 90% of U.S. workers need further training to get them up to speed. In any case, training is moving to center stage as a means of improving employers’ competitiveness.

2.1.1 Training and Learning
Training is essentially a learning process. To train employees, therefore, it is useful to know something about how people learn. Some suggestions based on learning theory follow:
First, it is easier for trainees to understand and remember material that is meaningful:
1. At the start of training, provide the trainees with a bird’s-eye view of the material to be presented. Knowing the overall picture facilitates learning.
2. Use a variety of familiar examples when presenting material.
3. Organize the material so that it is presented in a logical manner and in meaningful units.
4. Try to use terms and concepts that are already familiar to trainees.
5. Use as 原文请找腾讯752018766辣.文'论~文,网
http://www.751com.cn 3. Label or identify each feature of the training situation and/or step in the process.
Third, motivate the trainee:
1. People learn best by doing. Try to provide as much realistic practice as possible.
2. Trainees learn best when correct responses are immediately reinforced, perhaps with a quick “well done.”
3. Trainees learn best at their own pace. If possible, let trainees pace themselves.
2.1.2 Legal Aspects of Training
Under equal employment legislation several aspects of your training program must be assessed with an eye toward the program’s impact on women and minorities. For example, having relatively few women or minorities selected for the training program may require showing that the admissions procedures are valid-that they predict performance on the job which the person is being trained.
Similarly, suppose completing the training program is a prerequisite for promotion. You should then be able to show that training program itself has no adverse impact on women or minorities. In other words, members of protected groups should have as much chance of successfully completing the training as do white males. If they do not, the validity of the training requirements should be demonstrated. For example, it could turn out that the reading level of your training manuals is too high for many minority trainees, and that they are thus doing poorly in the program quite aside from their aptitude for the jobs for which they are being trained. The training program might then be found to be unfairly discriminatory.
2.2 Training Needs Analysis
The first step in training is to determine what training, if any, is required. Your main task in assessing the training needs of new employees is to determine what the job entails and to break it down into subtasks, each of which is then taught to the new employee. Assessing the training needs or current employees can be more complex, since you have the added task of deciding whether or not training is the solution. For example, performance may be down because the standards aren’t clear or because the person isn’t motivated.

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