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关于培训的外文文献及翻译 第6页

更新时间:2010-11-23:  来源:毕业论文
关于培训的外文文献及翻译 第6页
OJT has several advantages. It is relatively inexpensive; trainees learn while producing, and there is no need for expensive off-job facilities like classrooms or programmed learning device. The method also facilitates learning since trainees learn by actually doing the job and get quick feedback about the correctness of their performance.
However, there are several trainer-related factors to keep in mind when designing OJT program. The trainers themselves should be carefully trained and given the necessary training materials. (Often, instead, an experienced worker is simply told to “go train John.” Experienced workers who are chosen as trainers should be thoroughly trained in the proper methods of instruction---in particular the principles of learning and perhaps the job instruction technique that we address next.
2.3.2 Job Instruction Training
    Many jobs consist of a logical sequence of steps and are best taught step by step. This step-by-step process is called job instruction training (JIT). To begin, list all necessary steps in the job, each in its proper sequence. Alongside each step also list a corresponding “key point” (if any). The steps show what is to be done, while the key points show how it’s to be done---and why.
2.3.3 Lectures
Lecturing has several advantages. It is quick and simple way of providing knowledge to large groups of trainees, as when the sales force must be taught the special features of a new product. While written material like books and manual could be used instead, they may involve considerable printing expense, and they don’t permit the give and take of questioning that lectures do.
2.3.4 Audiovisual Techniques
    Audiovisual techniques like films, closed-circuit television, audiotapes, and videotapes can be very effective and are widely used. At Weyerhaeuser Company, for instance, portions of films like Bridge on the River Kwai have been used as a basis for discussing interpersonal relationships in the company’s management school. The Ford Motor Company uses films in its dealer原文请找腾讯752018766辣.文'论~文,网http://www.751com.cn repair. The stop action, instant reply, or fast- or slow-motion capabilities of audiovisuals can be useful.
2. When there is a need to expose trainees to events not easily demonstrable in live lectures, such as a visual tour of a factory or open-heart surgery.
3. When the training is going to be used organization wide and it is too costly to move the trainers from place to place.
There are three options when it comes to video: You can buy an existing videotape or film; you can make your own; or you can have a production company produce the video for you. Dozens of businesses issue catalogs listing audiovisual programs on topics ranging from applicant interviewing to zoo management.
2.3.5 Teletraining
    Companies today are also experimenting with teletraining, through which a trainer in a central location can train groups of employees at remote locations via television hookups. For example, AMP Incorporated uses satellites to train its engineers and technicians at 165 sites in the United States and 27 other countries. (The firm makes electrical and electronic connection devices.) To reduce costs for one training program, AMP supplied the program content. PBS affiliate WITF, Channel 33 of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, supplied the equipment and expertise required to broadcast the training program to five AMP facilities in North America.
2.3.6 Programmed Learning
Whether the programmed instruction device is a textbook or a computer, programmed learning consists of three functions:

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