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管理沟通英文文献及翻译 第2页

更新时间:2010-12-6:  来源:毕业论文
管理沟通英文文献及翻译 第2页
other people and were understood by other people, all is meaningless.” An information age big characteristic is the change. The time is changing, the market is also changing, the enterprise took social the economic subject, must prompt be supposed to the market shift, accelerates the information transmission and the feedback, this the speed and the pipeline multiplication which communicates to the enterprise and so on set the new request.Carry on thoroughly along with the time change as well as the enterprise reform, the enterprise personnel's structure also had the very sweeping change, the staff youth oriented, the knowledge-based degree had the enhancement, took the self-value the realization, therefore the modern business management take human this management as a mainstream. Japan manages the scientist to believe that, the humanist management is a method which one kind of dependence opens heart mutually, makes each person to realize correctly to him the duty and the load responsibility which should complete in the organization.This kind of management pattern emphasis human sentiment and user friendly.But must implement the management, the communication utilization is effectively a good principle.
 American renowned future cigar John Naisbitt once said that,“The future competition will be the management competition, the competition focal point lies in between each social organization internal member and with in exterior organization's effective communication”. The communication is the management most important constituent, may say the communication is any management art essence.The classics management theory school of thought management seven functions discuss are: Plan,organization, human affairs, direction, coordination, report, budget, in these seven aspects, regardless of is the plan formulation, the work organization,
 between the human affairs coordination, enterprise's management, department's exchange cannot leave the communication.May not exaggerate said that, “the management is the communication,” the communication is deciding the management quality and the level. The management is the communication, but, the management needs the high grade communication or the effective communication.The communication premise is the respect, the trust and the understanding, the communication promotes each other respect, the trust and the management.Not only the communication is a quantity 原文请找腾讯752018766辣;文-论'文.网http://www.751com.cn  must think between us carried on how many sincerely to have the responsibility exchange.Not only communication information transmission, the emotion, the thought exchange, only has the information transmission not to be able to bring any fundamental to the management improvement, only then the true emotion and the thought exchange occurrence, the information communication only then can play the role which should have.
 We are entering the knowledge economy and the emotion economical time, people's work content are more and more many by the knowledge, the thought is composed for the core information processing and the transmission, more and more many work bring have the need take the sentiment as the foundation interpersonal interaction color.Speaking of the enterprise, staff's creativity and interpersonal relationship ability gradually will occupy the leading role, but staff's creation ability and interpersonal relationship ability will receive immediate superior's management style and the corporate culture influence. From the technological innovation angle, researches and develops the personnel if cannot have the good mood, displays very difficultly own talent; Looked from service reforming, if does not have the good mood in the company interior, he serves directly the customer not greatly possibly feels the good mood.Therefore needs through the communication to understand any is the staff true need, any is, any which the staff worries is, only then has found out these basic situations which the staff likes, Can let the staff not have the extra worries, in work time can not take into consideration invests own complete energy into the operation in, seeks the benefit maximization for the company.
 On takes US General Electric Company, it all implements “the open door policy” from the topmost story leader to all levels of department responsible for the work the policy, welcome the staff to enter their office reflection situation as necessary.The company straight shouts its from top to bottom, does not have division of the high and

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