海尔企业管理文化英文参考文献及翻译 第3页
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Organizational structure of enterprises is an old topic, since the business exists, organizational structure is associated. Any enterprise must choose the specific organizational structure forms. The organizational structures of enterprises have numerous forms, and these various forms of organizational structures have applicability. Different environment, different enterprises, different size, different managers, will have the most appropriate form of organization.
Since the 90's, enterprises have made the revolution all over the world. At the same time, along with the world economics integration approach, the hypothesized organization develops vigorously. Some expert initial assert: in order to fit for the request information revolution, digitized and the network, enterprise's typical organizational structure pattern will be the opening network structure in future.
“Haier is one of the largest household appliance manufacturers in the world. It is also in the top of the Chinese electronic information enterprises. Haier has 240 filiale and distribute in more than 30 countries to establish local design centers, manufacturing bases and trading companies. They want to come true the globalization. The total employees are over 50,000. In 2005, 原文请找腾讯752018766辣,文-论'文.网
http://www.751com.cn . This brand was considered the most valuable brand in China.
Haier produced many household appliances. Some products are famous and enjoyable in China, such as, refrigerators, air-conditioners, washing machines, televisions, water heaters, computers, mobile phones. August 30, 2005, Haier was considered as the excellent brand in British "Financial Times". Haier has become a world brand.
In the practice of innovation, Haier carried out the "OEC" management model, "the market chain" management model and "follow order" management model. The development of management has attracted international management sector. Faced the new competitive conditions, Haier needs establish the new change in order to achieve globalization.
Analysis Haier’s three times changes
Haier is not lack of change from the end of the 1980s to 1990s, it involves “OEC model” at the end of the 1980s, “market chain integration method” in the 1990s, and in 2005 “follow order management model”. Haier organizational restructuring which has not only changed the management model, but also Haier has raised to the spiritualization. The last two changes from the end of the 1980s to 1990s are all achieved the organizational goals-- awaken organizational vigor.
The first organizational development change
Above century at the end of 80's, the electrical appliances exist in the age of “demand exceeds supply”. It means the electrical appliances are lack. So long as products are produced, they will be sold out quickly. In that time, each factory enlarges the output, but Haier's leader made a stupendous decision which made all Haier person bear in mind until now--destroyed the whole 76 refrigerators with flaw. From then on, Haier started to learn from the management method from Japanese enterprise, which is “Total Quality Management” work. This is the pattern of “OEC model”.
“OEC model” represents as: The daily work must be completed every day, and the works must be cleaned up and must have the enhancement everyday. Every day the staffs clean up their work and fill in accounting cards, and then they inspect again and give the cards to their managers. No matter several o'clock off duty, even if it is too late, the managers must sign cards and hand them to the directors in workshop. You must not leave the work on the next day.
“OEC model” played an important role in the period of diversified expansion in Haier. Haier begins with producing refrigerators. Along with the increscent demand, Haier must achieve diversification. “OEC model” is very helpful. The first organizational development change in Haier is very successful because of “OEC model”.上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 下一页
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