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绩效考核外文参考文献译文及原文 第6页

更新时间:2010-12-13:  来源:毕业论文
绩效考核外文参考文献译文及原文 第6页
3.4 Manage support of hardware
The overall results investigates an operation of can not get away from the person with participate, but if all works are complete by person, this performance of the work and the comparison of the investment cost then wasn't a 360 degrees original intention for investigate.360Degree investigates a management of so just become emollient tool today, is the support terrace inseparable which cans load with now business enterprise.
Certainly, lately of manage set up of terrace and correspond buy of facilities all support of need the funds, a business enterprise has ability and have a courage and judgment investment this a cake of is a test, hurl's going in the ability of have management is so a test again. Very difficult imagination the production appears in the product of request and has a same competition ability in the car for 18 centuries.
3.5 Company related personnel and to in response to the customer's whole character and match
Business enterprise management and product line of China present a manies keep both of breadth appearance, this is decided by a various factor, an among those items the personnel who be business enterprises synthesize character. Make the rather make of the IT advisory, make an electronic industry to rather make IT, make a rather make of the machine electronics of, from management terrace arrive personnel the character arrive organization structure to all of product types to match mutually.
So a 360 resultses of business enterprise manage because involve a superior, inferiority, with customer, character and match of these parties concerneds also are to constitute the successful important item of the results management.
3.6 Short-term performance and long-term performance relate to
Ascend new management system, be able to avoid will result in the current business or big or small impact. BE think that the square tries the processing current business combine aggressive devotion lately institutional establishment with perfect, be still with current business favour for the curtain refuse get involved of new thing. The change is painful, and"a person not is would not like to change but is don't hope to be change by the other people", understand se truth, the key figures of the company 原文请找腾讯752018766辣,文-论'文.网http://www.751com.cn request to complete progress and quality of item, want to respect all levels the present condition of the supervisor and all employee on the other hand, adopt alleviate of adequacy measure.
On the processing of this problem, can invite a foreign monk to read aloud when it's necessary, the adequacy lets the head of department come out: Together is an officer in a dynasty, the stem doesn't want to listen to your human resource department an order about of manager so a kind of ill-health of mindset, but the many people is to could not walk this kind of shadow, could not walk the row or column of occupation agent.
The processing very current benefits orders with another a key of farsighted benefits in the tallest layer, if the tallest layer can't face this, and have intention to have no intention of to tolerate some behavior, the day of human resource section not lead.
3.7 Investigate an item contents a constitution(KPI)
360The degree results investigates and makes sure which contentses, how the relation of strategic target of these contents and companies is, item structure whether reasonable, to in response to of encourage whether measure and punishment measure is what employee hopes and worries or not. As for these aspects before the system take effect should carry on a full discussion. The reasonable results investigates a contents and should have structure reasonable, the main time is clear, and the different valuation on the side differently laid particular emphasis on a point. Each analyzing result of different on the side should have a good comprehensive mechanism, also namely synthesize a mechanism, complete to the overall evaluation of a person's accomplishment.
3.8 Corporate culture to the support function that Performance evaluation
Carry on the new results investigates an institutional implement, is also a kind of change. The corporate culture of the business enterprise whether the containment has the encouragement the gene of innovation and change, and adapt innovation and change structure and human resource, is 360 degrees results investigate of can succeed of deep reason.
Speak in the certain degree that ignore is participate of key figures or for change of the

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