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商务英语写作中正式和非正式文体的语言差异 第9页

更新时间:2011-3-24:  来源:毕业论文

商务英语写作中正式和非正式文体的语言差异 第9页
(1): At present, we can not entertain your counteroffer, as our price is quite reasonable. “Entertain” means “consider” here, not amuse.

(2): Your claim should be supported by sufficient evidence. “Claim” means counterclaim, ask for compensation here, but not represent something.

(3): We shall cover TPND on your order. “Cover” means “insure” here, not envelop stuff.

(4): We shall take out insurance at this end under our Open Policy. “Open Policy” means “Reservation Policy”, it is a document of insurance, not Chinese reform and opening-up policy.

(5): Average is of two kinds General Average and Particular Average. Average has very different meanings in different fields. There are two kinds of average here, which are the terms of insurance business, mean the loss caused by water.
2.2.3 The Choice of Prepositions of Time
We should pay more attention to the choice of prepositions of time. It refers to the valid time of business process. The prepositions of time “from” or “from and after” mean the start date is not included in the period of validity. With “On and from” the start date should be taken into account.

(1) Seller shall deliver the goods to buyer within 30 days from July 29, 2008. July 29 is not in the valid period. The term should be counted from July 30.

(2) Seller shall deliver the goods to buyer within 30 days on and from July 29, 2008. In this example, July 29 should be counted into the period of validity.

“Before” can be used as prepositions to end the period of validity, means the day before the ending day availably. “By” or “on or befo毕业论文http://www.751com.cnre” means the day written in the letter including in the period of validity.

(1) Shipment will be effected before 20th August. The valid shipping day is not including the 20th August here.

(2) The L/C expires on or before 20th August. The ending day of the L/C include the 20th August.

(3) The offer is valid up to 25th October. In this example, 25th October is in the period of validity.
2.2.4 The Use of Written Language
The character of business correspondence language is using written language, and the wording is precise and canonical. We can find them in the following aspects.
1). Phrases instead of the simple preposition
In view of...For
In the event that...If
As regards... About
For the purpose of...For
In accordance with...By
In the process of...During

(a) In accordance with your request, we are sending you herewith our price list and some pamphlets.
(b) We will meet you half way by offering a discount of 5% in view of our long pleasant relations.

2).The deserted wording instead of the common wording
Duplicate ...Copy
Transaction... Business
Secure... Get
Substantial... Large
Dispatch... Send
Purchase... Buy


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