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浅论英语电影台词的特征及其翻译 第2页

更新时间:2011-3-24:  来源:毕业论文

浅论英语电影台词的特征及其翻译 第2页
My supervisor,Miss.YuQian, deserves the first place, since she has contributed a lot to this thesis and showed remarking patience. All the brainstorming, discussions, debates ... will be a good memory of mine, not to mention those interesting topics, clever ideas, and silly mistakes. Apart from the research part, she has taken a great care of my life here, helping me to ease the tensions of waiting for the result of The National Graduate Entrance Examination.
A huge thank to my dear parents. It is my parents who give me great comfort when I was at the end of my rope during the paper writing, it is my parents who share the happiness with me when I managed to complete the paper. It is also my parents who stand besides me all the time to support me, encourage me and love me.
A sweet thank goes to my lovely friend Li Biyun, who always help me to inspire ideas and discuss with me. A special thank to my dear roommate Liang Jingying, who taught me how to relax when feeling nervous. A big thank to my best friend LiangXiaowen, thanks her for caring men as always.
Last but not least, I would like to thank all the audience of my presentations, also the examiners of my paper. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your fair judgment. 
The film translation is blessed with the distinctive language characteristics and the special function of cross-cultural communication. Thanks to such features, film translation has attracted increasing attention in the field of the translation. Based on the above-mentioned features as well as the review of the national and international research fruits related to the translation of lines in English movies, this paper, with a lot of typical illustrations from the famous and popular English films, aims to discuss how to adhere to “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, and Elegance”, when translating the lines in movies. According to the discussion above, the paper points out that the principles, the skills and the uniqueness for the lines’ translation are mutually interacted, therefore, the translators are expected to pay much the same attention on all three aspects. The paper also emphasizes only through such combination of the relevant aspects of film translation can the target audience enjoy the original works, appreciate the foreign cultures and learn authentic English.
Also, the paper puts forth an opinion in brief, that is the three translation principles, among which the principle of Expressiveness deserves top priority, can be just understood as the requirement of to be works-oriented, the audience-oriented as well as the art-oriented in film translation. Accordingly, the requirement of the audience-oriented should be emphasized.
Key words: film translation (subtitling translation); language characteristics;cross-cultural communication; Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance.
摘  要
影视翻译具有鲜明的语言特点和独特的文化传递功效,日渐成为翻译大家族中重要的一员。在对国内外现有的电影台词研究现状进行总结后毕业论文http://www.751com.cn,本文从电影台词的五大语言特征和跨文化交际特点切入,通过选取大量的经典台词翻译实例初步探讨了台词翻译应遵循传统的“信, 达, 雅”翻译观。同时,论文着重阐述了影视台词翻译的语言特点,文化传递功效以及所提及的“信达雅”翻译原则,互相影响,互相联系,统为一体的理论观点,要求译者在进行台词翻译时,三个方面都应给予同等重视,并强调只有这样才能保证译语观众在欣赏国外影视作品时能够全方位地接触外国社会生活, 领略欧美风情, 学习原汁原味的英语。
另外,论文也简略提出了“信达雅”翻译原则在翻译领域可理解为以原作为中心,以译语观众为中以及以艺术为中心的观点,并稍略指出在所提及三大翻译原则中应以“达”(通顺) 为主,即以译语观众为主的基本立场。
关键词: 影视翻译(台词翻译) 语言特点 跨文化交际 信达雅

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