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浅论英语电影台词的特征及其翻译 第7页

更新时间:2011-3-24:  来源:毕业论文

浅论英语电影台词的特征及其翻译 第7页
Such feature is determined by the movie itself. It is true that the picture, or the speech in film passes very quickly as the plot proceeding. Comparatively, when the readers meet difficult points under the form of written words in literary works, such as in a prose or in a novel, he or she can weigh every word and analyze them again and again until a clear and full understanding. However, the case turns reverse when seeing a film, for the viewer cannot have another chance to listen to the words again if he or she has not understood clearly. The captions in the screen disappear quickly followed the next set. In other words, if we miss grasping the lines in a movie, what we can do is to quit. Otherwise, the following is likely to be influenced as well, just like doing listening exercise (He, 2002:181-194). Moreover, this characteristic of instantaneousness of lines translation in movies thus requires the language in the film should be in a style of earthliness and populace. I believe the lines from The Return of the King can be a best example in this point.
Example ﹙5﹚
Hero: I see in your eyes...  The same fear that would take the heart of me.  A day may come when the courage of Men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship,   But not this day.  An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of Men comes crashing down, But it is not this day!   This day we fight!  By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!   ﹙The Return of the King﹚
阿拉贡: 我的兄弟们!我从你们眼里看到你们跟我一样都恐惧得心惊胆战。
In the film of The Return of the King, the Hero led tens of thousands of brave soldiers to fight with the evil power. In order to inspire the soldiers to fight valorously, he delivered an exciting and inspiring speech to all war men. Here the speech was shaking hearts but passed in the screen pretty quickly to match with the Hero’s firm look and fearless behavior. The improper translation must lead to misunderstanding, nevertheless, the above tells us how to make this point easy.
3.1.4 Popularity
When the readers peruse literary, religious, scientific or philosophical texts, certain educational background is a must. However, film aims to the masses. The audience for film are individuals from various educated levels, who maybe linguistically specialized, or even illiterate. Therefore, the language in a popular style is more likely to be grasped by the common people, and furthermore, the film cooperation makes its gigantic profits. So are the other films of different nations. Take close at hand, if the introduced English films wish to cover with great popularity in our country, how to translate English to Chinese apt to the psychology as well as the real life of Chinese people 毕业论文http://www.751com.cnshould be given priority. In general, the target language should, if possible, imitate everyday conversation and use spoken and real –in- life utterances to make most viewers understand film easily (Zhang, 1998:18). There are plenty of illustrations, among which the following one is more typical.
Example ﹙6﹚
In the world-famous film Forrest Gump, a sentence is much frequently referred by Forrest Gump, that is “…stupid is as stupid does”, and now the widely accepted translation is “蠢人做蠢事”or “傻人有傻福” to a great degree, either parlance is to Chinese people’s liking.
Example ﹙7﹚
Another touching sentence from Titanic “You jump, I jump”. The Chinese vision is“你跳我也跳”. Several classic syllables but saw the remarking popularity on the earth.
3.1.5 Harmony

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