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浅论英语电影台词的特征及其翻译 第9页

更新时间:2011-3-24:  来源:毕业论文

浅论英语电影台词的特征及其翻译 第9页
The Duke: For goodness’s sake put them down。﹙Pirates of Caribbean﹚
This scene happened in the film, when the Captain, Mr. Turner and Elizabeth were surrounded by the official gunmen, the Duke Elizabeth’s father uttered. The phrase “for goodness’s sake” means “看在上帝面上”,“千万, 看在老天爷份上”, to Chinese people, no wonder the latter is more suitable, but if the language habits and culture image considered, “发发慈悲吧”may be preferable. So the example can be “发发慈悲, 放下武器吧”. 
Example ﹙2﹚
Congressman A:  I insist we give these Aliens a green card, making him proud of to be Americans.
Congressman B:  Sir, when time like this, I would not stop asking myself, what can we offer to do? ﹙Monsters vs. Aliens.﹚
The dialogue comes from the latest introduced cartoon film released by Dreamworks Animation, Monsters vs. Aliens. The background is that because the government armies could not defeat the intruding Aliens that threatened to destroy the earth, then, the President was immediately holding an emergency meeting for proper solution. The dialogue occurred between the two congressmen. Amazingly, the official translated film in Chinese vision dealt it as follows:
Here, “不差钱”heard the earth-shaking laughter among almost every cinema in China. Evidently, these three words made the audience feel close to the current life but fresh in the English movie. Another place in the same movie also accounts. That is, the translator frequently translated “Oh, Yeath” as “哎呀,我的妈啊” which also  refreshed the audience with Northeastern Culture in China. During the playing of this movie, the audience also always met with such lines as:“这种武器,靠谱的人不会让它走火!”or “歇菜吧你,这能量场是无法穿透的.” or even “你以为这样就能吓得我跟你躲猫猫吗?我跟你躲猫猫的日子一去不复返了.”…These lines obviously feature the Chinese dialects, or distinctive language habits on a broad level.
Example ﹙3﹚
Forrest: I thought I was going back to Vietnam but instead they decided the best way for me to fight the communists was to play Ping-Pong: I was the first American to visit the land of China. Somebody said world peace is in our hands.﹙Forrest Gump毕业论文http://www.751com.cn
The example is Forrest’s description about how to begin to play Ping-Pong in the film Forrest Gump. Forrest said, “They decided the best way for me to fight the communist was to play Ping-Pong. “Here the word communists can be translated into Chinese“共产主义者”, “共产党员”, “巴黎公社员”or“美国左翼活动分子”. As we know, the story took place during Nixon’s Ping-Pong diplomacy in the 1970s. So the word communists here means“共产主义者”, “共产党”,“共党”, “共党分子”or“中共政府”. Considering that China and U SA had not established the formal diplomacy, “共党”is the best choice, from which the Chinese viewer can understand the situation at that time. Then Forrest said, “Somebody said world peace is in our hands.” It can be t ran slated such as“有人说世界在我们的手里”, “有人说世界的和平就靠我们了” or“有人说我们手持和平之剑”. The last translation is the most suitable among them. Because the character 剑represents power and loyalty in Chinese culture such as“尚方宝剑”All these translations are right from the viewpoints of both literal translation and free translation. But in film translation another factor should be taken in to account, that is, the feeling of the target audience. So translation is the most suitable here.
Etc:阿甘: 我以为我要返回到越南, 但他们认为打击共党的最好办法就是乒乒球⋯⋯ 我是第一批访问中国的美国人。有人说我们手持和平之剑 (Fang,2000:76).
3.2.2 Focus on Source Culture
Also, this point can be best grasped by the vivid examples as follows.
Example ﹙4﹚
The line is from a once-popular movie.
Cynthia: We've checked you out. Timmy, juvenile offender record as long as Constitution Avenue.
辛茜亚:   我们查过了,蒂米,你的犯罪记录有厚厚一大迭。
Here “Constitution Avenue” refers to an avenue in Washington. If we made our choice of a word-for-word translation, that would be indigestible to the audience without English-learning background. So the translation above is faire enough.
Example ﹙5﹚
At the beginning of English film Ghost, there is a piece of off-screen voice as follows
Announcer’s Voice: At eleven-fifteen this morning the Prime Minister, speaking to the nation from Number Ten Downing Street, announced that Great Britain is at war with Germany. 

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