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翻译标准在歌词翻译上的体现 第3页

更新时间:2011-11-5:  来源:毕业论文
wildly as well. In my paper, I will use the translation criteria created by the senior statesman of the translation field in our nation, and will give a clear image on how these criteria represent in the translation works.
The first part of my paper goes to an overlook of the current situation for both E/C and C/E song translation, as well as the importance of studying this area, by learning about the require of more translated lyrics, this paper comes out with systematicness.For the second part ,many criteria on translation in our nation will be discussed, from all the criteria, one main line is obvious, they are three widely-acknowledged principles which put forward by Yan Fu. For “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance”, different periods endow different specific meaning to it. Hence for lyrics translation, it maybe a little bit different in the context. The last two parts of the paper are of importance, we will have a legible analysis on how “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” specific express in E/C and C/E. Finally with a brief conclusion to clarify the three principles is widely acceptable in lyrics translation.
Ⅱ  Academic Background
2.1Current situation in Lyrics Translation of E/C and C/E
Chinese songs translation of recent 100 years written by He Gaoda and Chen Shuiping in 2009 has made a brief conclusion to the current situation of song translation in our country. That's "six more and six less": More for foreign original songs while less translated into Chinese; more for the persons who learn to sing foreign songs ,while less for being engaged in song translation; foreign languages to Chinese more, Chinese to foreign ones less; the translation works of Western popular songs more, while the ones of diversification and multi-ethnic less; more lyrics translation ,less songs translation; more for the works of song translation ,while less can be sung.(Chen&He,2009:45-46)
2.1.1 E/C Lyrics Translation 毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/
From the Chinese translation history, we can get that, during the over 100 hundred years of song translation, a few researches, studies ,papers as well as works on song translation are just a very small point toward translation, so the song translation is, and the lyrics translation is even worse, though compared with Chinese lyrics translation, more essays are about English lyrics, however it is also far away from enough. There are some fruitful achievements in the study of foreign songs, Chinese versions of hundreds of song lyrics can be found easily all around our country, hence some famous collections of foreign songs translation have been published such as Famous Foreign Songs Collection (<外国名歌选>)(1982),Famous Foreign Songs 201(<外国名歌201首>)(1987),Classic songs of the world movies 500 (<世界电影经典歌曲500首>) (1996), Chinese Lyrics-English Songs Translation 1000(<中文歌词-英文歌曲翻译1000首>)(2009).Of course, it is no doubt that these great achievements can't be done without the hardworking of  the remarkable persons such as Shen Xingong, Li Shutong, Zhong Limin, Qian Renkang, Xue Fan, etc.原文请+QQ32491'14 辣'文^论;文'网

Just as the above mentioned, though there are some works and studies about English song translation, however,the current circumstances is a little bit depressing, with the increasing excellent English songs coming into our ears, we are urgent to get better song lyrics to understand these wonderful English songs. Demands decide provisions, at this moment, we have large need in the good Chinese lyrics, but just few cater for our needs. It is not a balance relationship, hence my sense of responsibility to the English song lovers, as well as my crazy love toward music encourage me to do my favor to study lyrics translation in my Graduation thesis.

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