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更新时间:2011-11-11:  来源:毕业论文

  本文通过对劳伦斯一生的概述,以及对他作品的分析,去探索他的内心世界,去挖掘他是为何选择做一个局外人,去看看他所追寻的爱和性,在他的眼里又意味着什么。 毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/
摘要:局外人; 隔绝; 自我放逐; 绝望; 挣扎
1  Lawrence’s Life.........1
1.1  Lawrence’s Early Life.1
1.2  Education and the Way to Be a Writer....1
1.3  Frieda Weekley and Lawrence....3
1.4  During the War Years...4
1.5  Isolated and Independent...6
1.6  The Years of Exile and Ending of Love.8
    2   Lawrence and Literature.....11
    2.1  A Great Novelist...11
2.2.1  Sons and Lovers11
2.2.2  The Rainbow...12
2.2.3  The Sex and Love in Lawrence’s Fiction.....14
3   D. H. Lawrence, a Life of an Outsider...17
3.1  An Unmerciful Literary Critic....17
3.2  D. H. Lawrence: a Life of an Outsider ......18
4  Conclution...20
1 Lawrence’s Life
1.1 Lawrence’s Early Life
D.H.Lawrence was born in 1885; the house where he was born is in a row of miner’s houses: redbrick, grimy, two-up two-down, just thirteen feet wide, with a shop window. It probably looks more attractive today, as a museum, than it has at any time in the last one hundred and thirty years.毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/
In letters, essays, novels, stories, plays, and poems, Lawrence returned over and over again to those much loved landscapes which lay in the curve of the river Erewash where it divides Notinghamshire from Derbyshire. All the fields, streams, and houses which made up what he called ‘the country of my heart’.
Lawrence’s mother, Lydia, and his father Arthur, first met each other at a party. Lydia was immediately drawn to the handsome, strong-bodied miner. They were married in 1875, a few months after their first meeting, and moved to the house in Victoria Street, Eastwood very soon afterwards. During the next twelve years Lydia Lawrence gave birth to two daughters and three sons. David Herbert was the youngest of the sons and the youngest but one in the family.
The marriage was not many months old before the pledge of total abstinence from drink given by the husband in the first flush of romantic ardor was broken. Arthur was often careless at work and had to stay away due to injuries. This, together with the fact that his insolence to his immediate superiors resulted in him rarely getting a stall to work, further depleted the family’s meager income. In Lydia’s embittered mind the image of the handsome man she had met and fallen in love with faded rapidly, to be replaced by that of a selfish, drunken, penny-pinching boor. And this was how she made the children see their father too.
The quarrels between the parents became a dreaded family part of the children’s lives. To get as far as possible, physically and socially, away from the ordinary miner’s home was only a small, though important step in Lydia’s struggle to prevent her sons from following their father’s footsteps down the mine. The most powerful weapon the mother had was education and wielded it with ruthless and sustained efficiency. Therefore, the young Lawrence grew up under the rough treatment of his mother.2124

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