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英语课堂教学研究英文论文 第2页

更新时间:2011-11-13:  来源:毕业论文
1.1 The Context of This Essay
The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the problems that English teachers frequently encounter in their teaching career and solve them with different approaches.
     Nowadays, English is a popular subject in China. In primary schools, middle schools, high schools, universities and beyond, students have been steeping themselves in learning English. Dating back to the last century, professionals in English education put forward plenty of English teaching theories and methods. Since the early 1900s, the study of a foreign language has been regarded as one of the fundamental subjects in the curriculum of Middle Schools. Since 1978, the development of ELT can be divided into four major phases: Restoration, Rapid development, Reform and Innovation. In recent years researchers have developed a range of perspectives for improving the quality of English teaching and learning.原文请+QQ32491.14  辣'文,论.文'网
     With economic globalization and China’s opening-up policy, the English teaching quality began to be given more attention. Consequently the English teachers should improve the teaching level to meet the demand of the times.
1.2 An Overview of Contemporary English Language Teaching
Introduction to the content:
This essay can be divided into six main parts. Each deals with a central theme but integrates with the other parts as a whole. Part 1 introduces the background of the thesis and contemporary English teaching. Part 2 provides four main undesirable problems of English teaching. Part 3 gives an overview of language and language teaching. Part 4 outlines the main theories and approaches of EFT. Such as Communicative Competence, Chomsky’s Language Acquisition Device, Swain’s Output Hypothesis. Part 5 focuses on the practice in real-world English classroom. Part 6 summarizes the significance of teaching application and development in brief.
Raising the questions:
Faced with the current situation of English classroom in China, the problems of English classroom in real-world can be concluded into four main ones.
Analyzing the questions:
By using language investigation and research from professionals and practicing teachers we adopt the useful theories and practice to analyze these questions.
Solve the questions:
Judging from all evidence, I will arrive at the conclusion, so that we can improve the quality of English teaching and learning.
     There are major methods and approaches in FLT, such as the Grammar -Translation Method (also called the Traditional Method, the Old Method, or Classical Method), the Direct Method, the Audio-lingual Approach (ALM), the Silent Way, Suggestopedia, Community Language Learning, Total Physical Response(TPR), the Cognitive Approach, the Communicative Approach, Task-Based Language Teaching(TBLT) and Learning-Centered Education. There are also the models of the process of FLT, such as the PPP Model, Harmer's ESA Model, Ur's PPT Model, and Willis’ TBL Model.
Methods of study:
Technical line:
Consulting data and authority, look up technical files, check the references in the library, bookshop and on the Internet.
Program of the experiment:
Listening to English lessons at different phases, such as Primary Schools, Universities.

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