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英语课堂教学研究英文论文 第3页

更新时间:2011-11-13:  来源:毕业论文
Concluding the experience and teaching methods.原文请+QQ3249'114  辣'文,论.文'网
Having English lessons for students by myself.
Analyzing the disadvantages and advantages.
Drawing the conclusions about the experiment.
It was based on the experience of teaching and learning in the past years on the current international theories on language teaching and learning. We apply these theories to practice in English classroom, so that we can analyze the disadvantages and advantages in English teaching and learning.
As far as English teaching and learning is concerned, achievements of teaching theories and practice gained as a result of reforms and innovations in recent years. There is something about the theories of foreign language teaching and learning, such as Learning New Language, Teaching ESL, Understanding Language Teaching, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. There is something about the teaching of skills and strategies, such as Exploring Second Language Reading, Teaching and Learning Vocabulary, Teaching Second Language Writing. There is something about the instruction of learning, such as How to Be a Successful Language Learner; There is something about the design of curriculum : Designing Language Courses ;there is something about the approaches of survey in FLT: Doing Teacher Research, Way of Doing : Students explore their everyday and classroom process; There is something about the development of teachers : Pursuing Professional Development; There is something about the contextual and cultural teaching : Teaching Culture ,Teaching Language in Context ,Teacher's Handbook; There is something more about the methodology: Working with Teaching Methods, Teaching Language, and Methodology in TESOL.
     As far as English teaching and learning is concerned, despite the achievement gained as a result of research and reform, I am deeply convinced that there remain significant problems for further development. The following four problems need to be addressed: Firstly, cramming education is often considered the common phenomenon on the delivery of knowledge about the language while ignoring the development of students’ language ability. Secondly, I note that students still lack using an interactive approach to communicate in classrooms. Thirdly, traditional pedagogy often makes the class dull, boring and uninteresting, which is the reason why students’ complaints call for an improvement of teaching methods. Finally, English is not only instrumental but also communicative and educational, so what is considered important in English classroom should focus on developing students’ communicative competence instead of developing their knowledge about language. That is to say, the emphasis is put on how to teach instead of how much the students have learned.

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