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英语课堂教学研究英文论文 第4页

更新时间:2011-11-13:  来源:毕业论文
This is a valuable research subject, not only academically but also practically to study the English classroom in China. Faced with the shortage of current situation in English classroom, we should find methods to improve the standard of teaching.
Ⅱ Four Undesirable Problems in English Classroom
2.1 A Notice to Cramming Education原文请+QQ32,49114  辣'文,论.文'网
Currently, studying English in China is “prestigious—the fashion, the rage”. (Steven, 2010) Even though this quote is out-of-date, the English craze has not dropped down and the number of EFL students in China has increased. A decade later the estimated number of EFL students in China is more than 200 million with a million EFL teachers .(Wong 2000)  Nowadays it is universal that English  is used as an instrument for communication. How do the students acquire the skills of learning English effectively? That is a question deserving serious consideration of EFL teachers.
     Throughout the history, the Traditional Method was so popular among EFL teachers. The following is a lesson plan from Yaoyan, a teacher from Zhuhai Xiangshan School.

Sample lesson plan 1
Happy English in primary school, Grade 5
Unit 9 what will the weather be like?
The second period
Form 2-1
1、Learn the sentences.
1) What will the weather be like tomorrow morning? It will be cold.
There will be snowy.
2) What will the weather be like in the afternoon? It will be sunny.
2、Sounds and words.
  bake  buy box break baseball balloon
Vocabulary: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, morning, afternoon, evening, snow, wind, rain.
Key points and difficult points:
1、new vocabulary
  Distinguish the difference between noun and adjective
2、ask and answer about weather
pictures、 calendar、 little blackboard.
Teaching procedures:
1、Look at the pictures and say the words.
2、Open the books and read vocabulary.
3、ask and answer.
A: What’s the weather like today?
B: It’s windy.
A: What was the weather like yesterday morning?
B: It was cloudy.毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/
1、Look at the pictures ask and answer.
A: What will the weather be like in the afternoon?
B: It will be warm.
2、Sing the song chant activity (just listen at the first time, follow the teacher at the second time)
Finish: Listen, write and chant.
1) The students read the Conversation for 2 minutes with one to two questions.
2) Let’s listen to the tape and read the story.
3) Teach the new words in the Conversation and emphasize the difference between noun and adjective
4) Translate the sentence from English to Chinese one by one.
5) Let’s listen again and repeat.
6) Encourage students to imitate the tones by using different roles.
7) Act: Four Ss to be Doctor, Gogo, Tony, Jenny to act.
Step4.Drill原文请+QQ3249,114  辣'文,论.文'网
P51 Activity:
1 、The teacher read the text two times.
2、Let the Ss read 3 minutes by themselves.
3、The Ss finish the question by groups and the teacher check in.
4、Five Ss write down the answer on the Bb. And the whole class checks up them.
1、Finish“Workbook”P32④ by the Ss.
Step6.Homework.Write a weather report.

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