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英语课堂教学研究英文论文 第5页

更新时间:2011-11-13:  来源:毕业论文
    Analyzing from step 3 of 1)—5) above design of English teaching procedures, this language teaching method was conducted like this: Firstly, Questions that follow a reading passage. Secondly, translate literary passages from one language to another. Thirdly, memorize grammar rules. Last, memorize native-language equivalents of the target language vocabulary. Generally speaking, it is a good way for appreciation of classical literature, while this approach is viewed as “dead language” in today's English classroom.(Liu Yumei & Xiao Su, 2007)
     Why do we say so? There are seven aspects that we can illustrate. First, classes are taught in the mother tongue of the students, with little active use of the target language. Second, vocabulary is taught in the form of isolated words lists equivalents of target language. Third, Elaborate explanations of grammar are always provided with example sentences. Four,Grammar instruction provides the rules for putting words together; Instructions often focus on the form and inflection of the words. Five, Reading of difficult texts is begun early in the course of study, which are treated as exercises in the grammatical analysis with little attention to the content of texts. Six, often the only drills are exercises in translating disconnected sentences from the target language into the mother tongue, and vice versa. Last, little or no attention is given to pronunciation.(Liu Yumei & Xiao Su, 2007) On the whole, traditional method aims at emphasizing the importance of grammar, otherwise it often leads to lack the dynamic and happy surroundings in the classroom.
As Chomsky put it, children was born with a special ability to process language through an innate "language acquisition device”(LAD). This theory has been influential in terms of the strong implications for classroom instruction, which tends to help teachers create an interesting input in a low-anxiety environment. While the learners acquire language effectively, the most important phase is the input processing. The learners are better able to make connections between form and meaning and thus convert input to intake (a filtered, processed version of the input). This intake is then incorporated by the learner in developing a linguistic system, which is used to produce output in the language. Thus the ultimate purpose is that learners can use a mix of conscious and subconscious process to produce language. (Judith & Eileen,2003)毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/
In terms of Swain's output hypothesis, it suggests that output, or production of language contribute to language acquisition. "Pushed output” acquisition is necessary for the learners to achieve higher levels of linguistic competence.
Conclude the problem:
Judging from the related theories and current situations, we draw the conclusion that cramming education is often considered the common phenomenon on delivery of language knowledge while ignoring the development of students' language ability. Teachers overemphasize the input of students while ignoring the input processing and output. So it is a passive and mechanical teaching approach to cram. This broadcast teaching model didn't catch up with the demand of the times because the one-way communication didn't adapt to the development of science and technology. There is no doubt that traditional-translation method plays an important role in the English teaching for several hundred years, nevertheless, we should not focus on the grammatical rules. We should have the awareness that both novice and experienced teachers change the current situation from “teacher-centered” to “learners-centered”.

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