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英语课堂教学研究英文论文 第6页

更新时间:2011-11-13:  来源:毕业论文
The Formation of Dumb English原文请+QQ324'9114  辣'文,论.文'网
       English teaching in China usually starts in junior high school and in many cities. It begins in an upper elementary school, even in nursery. At first sight, the Chinese students with exposure to English as a foreign language look quite similar to that of students in Europe. However, although an average college student generally has spent more than ten years in learning English, he is still poor in listening and speaking. It was reported in China Youth Daily and China Education Daily that English teaching is really “a kettle of warm water that never comes to the boil” in terms of language education, what provides considerable problems in the classroom, particularly for teachers aiming at creating communicative competence in a second or foreign language is the issue of getting students to produce spoken English rather than dumb English.(Xiuying Ni,2005) What’s more,it’s now universal that college students couldn’t speak English fluently after more than ten years English learning. A college student confided his English learning path: “I learned dumb English from primary school to college, and I also insist on learning English in my spare time, though I find that I can’t make much progress.”
    As we know different styles of lesson plans have been used by different teachers. The following lesson plan adopts from a teacher who comes from CSU.

Sample lesson plan 2
 New Horizon College English (Book 2)
Unit 6
Form 2-2

Section A   As His Name Is, So Is He!
Section B   Judge by Appearances
Section C   The Pain in Wearing High Heels

Students will be able to:
1. have a better understanding of the influence of names on people;
2. master the key language points grammatical structures in the text;
3. develop their ability in expressing their ideas in both spoken and written form;
4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit

Procedure & Time Allotment
1st period  2nd Period 3rd period 4th period
Warm-up activities
Background information毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/
Global reading Detailed reading
Words & expressions
 Section B
Speaking activities

Section A   As His Name Is, So Is He!

I. Background Information
II. Warm-Up Activities
III. Understanding the Text
IV. Words and Expressions
V. Speaking Activities
VI. Homework
I. Background Information
1. About names: For this reading passage, we have many proper names, which contain cultural background. The following websites might offer you a lot of information you may be interested in.
2. The Bible:原文请+QQ3249,114  辣'文,论.文'网

II. Warm-Up Activities
1). Is there any story about your name? Tell us the story.
2). Why are people so careful when giving a baby a name?
3). What do you know about these people from their names?
   马文革  叶跃进  马建设  曾美丽  许可
    石光荣  李文化  王二丫  牛得草  许诺
金和平  石  磊  福康安  王  灵  许愿
Survey findings:•Susan: The most attractive female name•Richard: Most attractive•David: Most attractive
•Harry: Sound dull
III. Understanding the Text
1. Questions for Discussion
Work in groups and answer the following questions according to the passage.
1) Did Debbie like her former name? Why? Or why not?
2) According to Debbie, what difference did it make when she substituted her middle name, Lynne, for her first Debbie?
3) What did the writer think of Debbie’s name change?
4) According to the writer, why did one prominent magazine consistently refuse to print “Joe” in his byline?
5) In para5, why was the woman ill at ease?
6) Why did the writer say that we were all guilty of name stereotyping to some extent?
7) How can name-based prejudices affect classroom achievement?
8) According to the writer, what can you do if your name doesn’t seem to fit you?

2. Text Structure Analysis
Central topic:
The influence of names on people

Main ideas of each paragraph 毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/
Para. 1:   Debbie does not feel good about her name.
Para. 2:   Her change of name helped bring success to her career.
Para. 3:   It is important to have the right name because it suggests certain qualities.
Para. 4:   Names are attached to specific images.
Para. 5:   Names with a positive sense can work for people, even encourage new acquaintances.
Para. 6:   People are sometimes guilty of name stereotyping in relation to names.
Para. 7:   Prejudices against or in favor of certain names can affect students’ classroom achievements, objectively graded IQ and popularity with their peers. 原文请+QQ324,9114  辣'文,论.文'网
Para. 8:   If you think your name does not suit you, you can change your old name.
Name ---- symbol
---- sign
---- title
---- denotation
---- connotation

Debbie ----good looks
         Elegant manner

↓changed to

Lynne →effects→ self-feeling → more comfortable
             ↘ other’s attitude →more serious
IV. Words & Expressions
1. Application n.
Free information will be sent out an application to the office. 
Students learned the practical application of the theory. 
2. Associate.
He is not a friend but an associate.  
They were closely associated during the war. 
3. Reserve n.
A few drinks broke through his reserve.
the gold reserve  
4. Qualify.
Tom is well qualified for the job.   
5. refine
refine one’s language   
Oil is industrially refined.
6.acquaintance  n.
He has a wide circle of acquaintances.
He has some little acquaintance with the Japanese language.
The police have been criticized for having stereotyped images of black people.
The characters in the book are just stereotypes.
8. thoughtful a.
The doctor looked thoughtful for a moment and then started to write something on the paper.
She’s a very thoughtful person. 原文请+QQ3249'114  辣'文,论.文'网
9.consistent:conform to a regular pattern or style
continuous: going on without break
constant: going on all the time, unchanging
The sign in the cinema said: “___________ performance from 1:00 pm to 11:30 am.” He has been a _________ friend of our party. What you said was not _______ with what you did.
10.label n:
A critic called her first novel “super-romantic” and the label has stuck.

 His work is difficult to label precisely.
11.substitute for (L.5)
We have to substitute Mr. Liu for the teacher who was still in hospital.
12.for better or worse (L.20)
The couple swore that they would be together for better or worse.
13.convey  to  (L.23)
What does the picture convey to its audience?
14. attach sth. to sth. (L.24)
The president attached great importance to family life. 
15.press for   (L.35)
The government finally took some action because the public had been pressing for inquiry into the question.
16.be ill at ease  (L.37)  She was ill at ease with strangers.
17.be free from   (L.38) He leads a life free from anxiety.
18. Stick with sth. (L.58)
Only a few could stick with an ideal in reality. 
1. as…so.
2. Feel like sth. /doing sth. …
3. fill out an application form (L.4)
4.substitute for (L.5)
5.for better or worse (L.206.convey  to  (L.23)
attach sth. to sth. (L.24)
8.press for   (L.35)
9.be ill at ease  (L.37)
10.be free from   (L.38)
11. stick with sth. (L.58)
V. Speaking activities毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/
Summary: Summarize the passage using the tips below.
 make a difference     lead to success    suggest qualities    specific images
a positive sense   name stereotyping   prejudices against   affect one’s evaluation
2. Group Discussion:
1) “Movie stars regularly change their names, and with some determination, you can, too.” Do you agree with this statement?原文请+QQ324,9114  辣'文,论.文'网
2) Do you want to change your name? Why?
3) Can we change our names freely? What effects will it have on the society?
VI. Homework
1. Go over Text A and do the exercises.
2. Read Text B and do the exercises.
3. Write a paragraph on the topic below, arranging your ideas in a logical way.
The Importance to Break a Bad Habit
4. Preview the next unit.

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