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更新时间:2011-11-18:  来源:毕业论文


关键词:奥巴马,魅力,演讲稿,公共演讲,肢体语言原文请+QQ324,9114  辣,文'论,文'网
摘    要 I毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/
  The Power of English Public Speaking 
2  Biography of President Barack Obama 
2.  The Educational Experience That Led to Obama’s Success 
2.2  The Life Experience That Established Obama’s Personal Appeal 
3  Keynote Address at the 2004 Domecratic National Convention 
4  Obama’s Speech Making Strategies 
4.  Verbal Strategies 
4..  The Words That Matter 
4..2  The Power of Rhetorical Linguistics in Speaking 
4.2  Non-Verbal Strategies 
4.2.  Obama’s Ways of Delivering 
4.2.2  Gestures That Go with the Meaning of the Words 
4..3  Voice and Intonation 
5  Difficulties That Chinese Students Are Facing 
6  Remedies for Poor Presentation 
6.  Choosing a Topic 
6.2  Writing the speech 
6.3  Controlling Nervousness 
6.4  Presenting the speech 
It is never inappropriate to say that one of the reasons Obama beat his rivals and won his presidential election, was giving wonderful speeches to his audience. It has long been a well-known concept that public speaking is one of the most important skills that leads to success in a person’s career. That is why the western countries adopt speech making as the electoral system of leaders of the government; consider the chance of an African American becoming the president of the United States.
The keynote address of President Barack Obama in the 2004 Democratic National Convention which has been highly praised and drawn by experts for educational purpose made him a popular figure worldwide. The speech which has been widely acclaimed as the speech that started it all at the 2004 Democratic National Convention shows how Mr. Obama exerts his extraordinary speech making strategies to impress his audience; his image and body language to create strong first impressions; his fascinating voice and intonation, to convey ideas; his employing words that resonate for earning trust and confidence from people.毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/
 Obama delivers speeches to audiences large and small. He can make his audience laugh or cry. His speeches are always thoughtful, well written, and just appropriate for each occasion. Many people say that he has someone who writes speeches for him. As the author sees it, however, it is even more amazing when people can make someone else’s speech sound like they write it themselves. The same is true of Obama. The way he delivers his speeches makes people believe that he means every word that comes out from his mouth.2144

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