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奥巴马演讲策略研究 第2页

更新时间:2011-11-18:  来源:毕业论文
1  The Power of English Public Speaking
No matter what career people choose having a powerful command of the public speaking will greatly increase their odds of success.
Here let’s take a look at a current survey released on October 2, 2006, by The Conference Board, Corporate Voices for Working Families, Partnership for 21st Century Skills, and the Society for Human Resource Management groups.
“What applied skills and basic knowledge are most essential skill for those you will hire with a four-year college diploma?”
Oral Communication 95.4%
Collaboration 94.4%
Professional/Work Ethic 93.8%原文请+QQ3249.114  辣,文'论,文'网
Written Communication 93.1%
Critical Thinking/Problem Solving 93.1%
Ninety five point four persent of the group listed oral communication as the most vital ability for them to hire a four-year college graduate.What can be learned here is  that communication ability plays a more significant role than any of the other important abilities for people to gain a job.
It has been widely acknowledged that great attention should be paid to a person’s appearance when giving a speech, but the manner which the speaker performs is also important. While we may not realize it, others will judge us by the way we speak. Even if a person is dressed nicely, poor communication performance will show that he’s monkey in man’s clothing. They might look nice on the outside, but they’re not so clever on the inside. To succeed, a speaker must focus on his appearance as well as his manner of speaking. Most people underestimate the importance of mastering speaking skills. they might think that effective public speaking is something that only people like President Barack Obama can master, but that's not true. The most successful people have learned the art of good persuasive speech and have worked at perfecting their presentation skills. They've learned the true art of speaking in front of a live audience. Speaking in front of an audience and feeling comfortable doesn't always come naturally. Successful people use tried and true techniques that help them capture attention and command their audience. That is what makes their speeches memorable enough to bring them success. However, only having a basic knowledge of English will not open career doors. If a speaker speaks only an average level of English, people will think he’s average. If he speaks in a manner that is eloquent, this will create a powerful impression. Some professors argue that vocabulary goes with the odds of successful. The author holds different opinion against that. No one likes it when some guy is acting like a scholar saying something that common people barely understand. Obama uses simple words in his speeches so as to make what he speaks close to the audience and aroused their resonance.
Most people are blessed with Obama’s compelling oratorical skills and his motivational abilities. Hundreds of reports, magazines, and books were published, praising his amazing speech making skills and high profile manners on the lectern. Although we can’t say Obama won his presidential success only by giving wonderful speeches, we can say that the power of public speaking is of great significance to a person’s success.

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