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奥巴马演讲策略研究 第3页

更新时间:2011-11-18:  来源:毕业论文
2  Biography of President Barack Obama
2.1  The Educational Experience That led to Obama’s Success
Obama’s educational experience during his schooling years contributed to his speaking skill forming. A lawyer is one of the most eloquent people in the world. Obama went to law school and he was the professor who taught law in University. Obama showed great leadership even when he was a student in college, from the editor to the president of a group. The author believes that no one just turns into a great man because of one single event he does.
 Following high school, in 1979, Obama moved to Los Angeles to attend Occidental College . In February 1981, he made his first public speech, calling for Occidental's divestment from South Africa  .Later in 1981 he transferred to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialty in international relations and graduated with a B.A. in 1983. He worked for a year at the Business International Corporation, then at the New York Public Interest Research Group. In late 1988, Obama entered Harvard Law School. He was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review at the end of his first year, and president of the journal in his second year. During his summers, he returned to Chicago, where he worked as a summer associate at the law firms of Sidley Austin  in 1989 and Hopkins & Sutter in 1990 毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/
All the events seemed like to connect with public and speaking. His majoring in politics and international relations trained him a politician and made his way to become leader of a group. Educational experience is undoubtly one of the factors that contributed the most to his eloquent speaking skills.
2.2  The Life Experience That Established Obama’s Personal Appeal
We hear a lot specific stories in Obama’s speeches: the young man named Shamus at the VFW Hall in East Moline, Illinois; the workers in Galesburg, Illinois, who are losing their union jobs at the Maytag plant that's moving to Mexico; the father who was losing his job and choking back tears, wondering how he would pay $4,500 a month for the drugs his son needs; the young woman in East St. Louis, and thousands more like her, who has the grades, has the drive, has the will, but doesn't have the money to go to college; the people he met in small towns and big cities, in diners and office parks.原文请+QQ3249,114  辣,文'论,文'网
President Obama knows his people more than any of his competitors. He showed people that he cared. During his life time he’s been doing a lot community jobs to work for the poor and low income citizens. Therefore he knew those people and he did care. This made him a sympathizer for the common people and a humble person himself.
What’s more he showed great leadership before he became president of the United States. Two years after graduating, Obama was hired in Chicago as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP). He worked there as a community organizer from June 1985 to May 1988.
Obama is frequently referred to as an exceptional orator. During his pre-inauguration transition period and continuing into his presidency, Obama has delivered a series of weekly Internet video addresses.

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