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奥巴马演讲策略研究 第5页

更新时间:2011-11-18:  来源:毕业论文
Here a sentence was quoted from one of the famous books that writing about Obama after his success, “Say It Like Obama” by Shelly Leanne. “Absolutely masterful. He’s a master of the craft.” Those words have described the oratorical strength of Barack .毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/
Obama who took the stage at the 2004 Democratic National Convention and electrified America with a rousing keynote address. His twenty-minute speech—less than 2,300 words— captured the imaginations of Americans and garnered praise from around the world. Obama successfully drove his points home fused the best of rhetoric and substance, focused on a powerful message, and delivered it with great effectiveness. His words and vision inspired millions of viewers. The media instantly dubbed Obama a “Rising Star” and the stirring keynote delivery greatly accelerated the trajectory of his career, transforming him overnight into a distinguished national political figure. Obama went on to successfully build one of the most diverse political movements in American history, shattering historic barriers and becoming the presumptive 2008 Democratic presidential nominee. 原文请+QQ324'9114  辣,文'论,文'网
Hence we focuse on the communicative power of President Barack Obama and the practices and techniques that have enabled him to take his place as one of the most notable orator of recent times. Even overseas, Obama’s talents and vision have generated excitement. In June 2008, The Times reported that Europeans are deeply attracted to Obama’s “mixture of Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy.”  
4  Obama’s Speech Making Strategies
4.1  Verbal Strategies
4.1.1  The Words That Matter
There have been other leaders with impressive personal stories. There have also been other leaders who have spoken words of unity, goodwill, and hope. What makes Obama so compelling? Why does his message resonate so powerfully? What is it that has helped Barack Obama elicit reactions such as, “His words moved me,” and “He understands?” His speeches are far from mere recitations—he has demonstrated a remarkable ability to connect with listeners. The key has been his talent for knowing his audience and identifying the issues they most care about.
 Obama’s exemplary use of nonverbal strategies language, as well as his ability to layer meaning beneath his words, works together for striking results; exploring Obama’s exceptional skill in using oration to unify disparate groups. His forthrightness in acknowledging his unconventional background, combined with his skill in projecting this background as “quintessentially American” and his ability to establish common ground, are assets which can help those who lack of confidence in themselves when facing strong competitors. Reinforcing this, Obama’s ability to employ words that resonate has helped him build bridges, drawing out what brings people together rather than what sets them apart.
In the speech we see how Obama used simple words to talk bluntly about his humble family background. How he told people that his father was born and raised in a small village in Kenya herding goats, went to school in a tin- roof shack, his grandfather was a cook, a domestic servant to the British. He knows that his story is among one of the many stories of his audience. He seemed to speak the life not just of himself but also most of the Americans. This consciously brought closer the relationship between him and his audience. It is a keynote factor for a speaker knowing how to connect himself with the audience. No one would be impressed by someone talking about something that never reached his life. It is very important for a speaker to earn trust and confidence from their audience. Obma’s success illustrates the importance of the content that you write in your speech. We won’t believe some vain words that mean nothing, even though they are delivered by some eloquent speaker with great power. It will rouse contrary effect.

4.1.2  The Power of Rhetorical Linguistics in Speaking毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/
Parallel construction, or repetition, is the most commonly used rhetorical device in speeches and in important articles. Thought we can’t be more familiar with parallelism here it is still necessary for us to take another look at the definition of parallel structure.

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