2003; Zahra et al. 2004). On the other side, scholars generations.Nordqvistet al.(2008)viewautonomyas
argue that family firms exhibit lower levels of important regarding long-term entrepreneurial perfor-
entrepreneurial activities, as they are assumed to be mance and suggest considering autonomy as having
risk averse (e.g., conservative and resistant to change bothanexternal(autonomyfromstakeholderssuchas
and adaptation over time) (Allio 2004; Poza et al. banks, suppliers, customers, and financial markets)
1997; Shepherd and Zahra 2003; Whiteside and and an internal (empowering individuals and teams
Brown 1991). Recently, a number of articles have within an organization) dimension. Hence, literature
examined factors in family firms that affect corporate seemstoproposethat,whileautonomymaybeseenas
entrepreneurship,suchasorganizationalculture(Hab- an important factor of corporate entrepreneurship,
bershonandPistrui2002;Hallet al.2001;Zahraet al. both internal 本文来自辣.文~论^文·网原文请找腾讯32.49114 and external autonomy need to be
关于中秋节的作文2004), generational involvement (Kellermanns and considered, whereas internal autonomy of family
Eddleston 2006), and stewardship characteristics members of succeeding generations decreases.
(Eddleston et al. 2008a; Miller et al. 2008). Innovativeness refers to ‘‘a firm’s tendency to
Also, a steadily growing stream of literature has engage in and support new ideas, novelty, experi-
investigated EO as a core concept of corporate mentation, and creative processes that may result in
entrepreneurship in the context of family firms (e.g., new products, services, or technological processes’’
Martin and Lumpkin 2003; Nordqvist et al. 2008). (LumpkinandDess1996,p.142).Thereistypicallya
EO refers to the strategy-making processes and styles continuumofinnovativenessregardingboththescope
of firms that engage in entrepreneurial activities and pace of innovation in products, markets, and
(Lumpkin and Dess 1996, 2001). Since our research technologies. Wealth is created when existing market
explores EO and its dimensions of autonomy, inno- structures are disrupted by introducing new goods or
vativeness, risk taking, proactiveness, and competi- services, shifting resources away from existing firms
tive aggressiveness (Lumpkin and Dess 1996), we and causing new firms to grow (Schumpeter 1942).
deem it important to examine these dimensions and The key to this cycle of activity is entrepreneurship:
related research in the context of family businesses. the competitive entry of innovative ‘‘new combina-
Autonomy ascaptured inthe EO construct refers to tions’’ that propel the dynamic evolution of the
the ‘‘independent action of an individual or a team in economy (Schumpeter 1934). In family firms, inno-
bringing forth an idea or a vision and carrying it vativeness is regarded as a highly important dimen-
through to completion’’ (Lumpkin and Dess 1996, sion of EO for long-term performance, together with
p. 140), that is, the ability and will to be self-directed autonomy and proactiveness (Nordqvist et al. 2008).
in the pursuit of opportunities. In an organizational McCann et al. (2001) find that younger and smaller
context, it refers to actions taken free of stifling family firms are more likely to be innovative than
organizational constraints. Thus, even though factors older, larger family firms. Furthermore, innovative-
such as resource availability, actions by competitive ness is described as having greater potential for high
rivals, and internal organizational considerations may performance, if it is driven by comprehensive stra-
changethecourseofnew-ventureinitiatives,theseare tegic decision-making and long-term orientation
not sufficient to extinguish the autonomous entrepre- (Eddleston et al. 本文来自辣.文~论^文·网原文请找腾讯3249.114 2008a; McCann et al. 2001).
IMO信号检测系统量子算法的优化及运用英文小论文neurial processes that lead to new entry. Throughout Risk taking, in turn, refers to ‘‘the degree to which
the process, the organizational player remains free to managersarewillingtomakelargeandriskyresource
act independently, to make key decisions, and to commitments—i.e., those which have a reasonable
implement policy (Lumpkin and Dess 1996). In the chance of costly failures’’ (Miller and Friesen 1978,
context of family firms, Martin and Lumpkin (2003) p. 932). Recent research draws a more fine-grained
show that the autonomy of family members of pictureabouttherisktakingpropensityoffamilyfirms
successive generations decreases. Family manage- (e.g., Gomez-Mejia et al. 2007; Morck and Yeung
ment limits its own autonomy by involving more 2003). Gomez-Mejia et al. (2007) find that family
people in decision-making processes and installing firms take decisions based on reference points. To
strong boards of directors. In a similar way, Spinelli protect socio-emotional wealth, family firms accept
and Hunt (2000) claim that a paternalistic leadership risk to their performance and, at the same time, avoid
style is replaced by a more participative style in later decisionsthataggravaterisk.Naldiet al.(2007)report
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