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网上购物的电子支付方法英语文献和翻译 第3页

更新时间:2012-6-3:  来源:毕业论文
At the end of the 20th  and the beginning of the 21st  centuries, e-commerce played a minor role  in  Poland. It was only in 2004 that one could observe the start of dynamic development  of  e-commerce  in  Poland  (see  Figure  2).  According  to  the  data  from  the Interactive Advertising Bureau (Kaznowski, 2005), the first time e-commerce accounted for
1% of total retail trade in Poland was in 2005 (whereas it was 2.5% in Western Europe and本文来自辣.文~论^文·网原文请找腾讯32,49114

4% in  the  USA).  Only  in  2008  the  Polish  e-commerce  turnover  increased  by  70%  and equalled EUR 3.15 billion (SMB, 2009). A typical feature of the Polish Internet market is a considerable share of online auction markets, accounting for 50 to 60% of the total turnover. In 2008, the value of the Allegro.pl auction market turnover, the leader of the Polish Internet auction markets, amounts to EUR 1.48 billion (an annual increase of 37%). The other four leading auction systems had their turnover estimated at a total of about  EUR 0.36 billion, whereas approximately 4,600 online shops recorded a total turnover of more than EU论文网http://www.751com.cn/  R 1.29 billion  (SMB,  2009).  It  must  be  remarked  that  a  part  of  the  Internet  shops  turnover  is generated through online auctions where the shops offer their products. The development of e-commerce in Poland is stimulated  by a dynamically increasing number of Internet users which rose from 7.4 million to 13.8 million (45.6% of population over 15 years old) between
2004 and 2008 (IAB, 2009).

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