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英文化差异在广告用语中的反映及相应的翻译技巧论文格式 第2页

更新时间:2012-7-4:  来源:毕业论文
1 Introduction The female speech, an important part of the gendered speech, has been studied for decades of years. In 1922, English linguist O. Jespersen first noticed the phenomenon of the female speech and used a whole chapter to explain the characteristics of the female speech in his book Language: Its Nature,Development and Origin (1922), which was the earliest research to the female speech from the linguistic perspective. (引言第一章主要包括:本研究的背景,本研究的目的;文章的整体构架与大体内容,用文字表述,大约1200个左右的单词即可。) 2 Literature Review As another sex group, women have their particular language which is different from men’s --- the female speech. At the beginning of the 1970s, linguists, psychologists and communicational researchers began to pay close attention to the research of the female speech, and emerged some terminologies to describe this special phenomenon in language. (注意: 用英文破折号以插入方式 “—”, 中英文破折号不一致,中文的是这样的——。 文章中的上下级标题之间应有过渡段。) 2.1 Definition of the female speech In 1973, Robin Lakoff proposed the concept of “women’s language”, which meant the style of the female speech different from the male one. In 1974, Based on the foundation of Lakoff’s research, Kramer wrote the article Woman’s Speech: Separate but Unequal? (1974), and proposed the terminology of “women’s speech”. In 1977, Crosby & Nyquist put forward “the female register” in the article The Female Register: an Empirical Study of However there is an interesting phenomenon at present, no one can give an exact definition of “the female speech”. The definition of women’s language given by Lakoff (1975) is “a language style used by women, which possesses the characteristics of hesitation, poor logic and lack of fluency and confidence.” Cameron (1985) proposed that “women’s speech is a kind of language variable which includes the characteristics of women’s speech and makes the men’s speech as its referee.” Smith (1985) pointed out that “women’s style refers to a kind of language style which is humble and submissive, 2.2 Development of the female speech English linguist O. Jespersen (1922) first noticed the female speech and his book Language: Its Nature,Development and Origin (1922) was the earliest research to the female speech from the linguistic perspective. In his survey, American linguists William Labov (1966) first pay attention to gender variant in the social language variation. And American social linguist Lakoff (1973) put forward the famous article Language and Women’s Place (1973) in Language in Society and proposed the conception of women’s language, which is the beginning of gender language research. Afterword, more and more researchers start to focus on the female speech from different aspects.

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