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风险投资融资英文文献和翻译 第8页

更新时间:2014-5-10:  来源:毕业论文
Entrepreneur-Venture Capitalist Relationships. Academy of Management Review, 22(1), p.142-176.

Fried, V.H. and Hisrich, R.D. (1995) The venture capitalist: a relationship investor.
California Management Review, 37(2), p.101-113.

Gans, J.S. and Stern, S. (2003) When Does Funding Research by Smaller Firms Bear Fruit?: Evidence from the SBIR Program. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 12(4), p.361-84.

Giudici, G. and Paleari, S. (2000) The Optimal Staging of Venture Capital Financing when Entrepreneurs Extract Private Benefits from Their Firms. Enterprise & Innovation Management Studies, 1(2), p.153-174.

Gompers, P. (1995) The rise and fall of venture capital. Cited in: Giudici, G. and Paleari, S. (2000) The Optimal Staging of Venture Capital Financing when Entrepreneurs Extract Private Benefits from Their Firms. Enterprise & Innovation Management Studies, 1(2), p.153-174.

Gompers, P.A. and Lerner, J. (1999) The Venture Capital Cycle. Cited in: Giudici, G. And Paleari, S. (2000) The Optimal Staging of Venture Capital Financing when Entrepreneurs Extract Private Benefits from Their Firms. Enterprise & Innovation Management Studies, 1(2), p.153-174.

Hellmann, T. and M. Puri (2000) The interaction between product market and financing
strategy: The role of venture capital. Cited in: Bottazzi, L. and Rin, M. (2002) Venture capital in Europe and the financing of innovative companies. Economic Policy, 17(34), p.229-269.

Hellmann, T. and Puri, M. (2002a) On the Fundamental Role of Venture Capital. Economic Review (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta), 87(4), p.19-23.本文来自辣.文,论-文·网原文请找腾讯752018766
Hellmann, T. and Puri, M. (2002b) Venture Capital and the Professionalization of Start-Up Firms: Empirical Evidence. Journal of Finance, 57(1), p.169-199.

Jungwirth, C. and Moog, P. (2004) Selection and support strategies in venture capital financing: high-tech or low-tech, hands-off or hands-on? Venture Capital, 6(2/3), p.105-123.

Kaplan, S. and Strömberg, P. (2001a) How do venture capitalists choose and monitor investments? Cited in: Hellmann, T. and Puri, M. (2002a) On the Fundamental Role of Venture Capital. Economic Review (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta), 87(4), p.19-23.大型粮仓远程监测系统 
Kaplan, S.N. and Strömberg, P. (2001b) Venture Capitalists as Principals: Contracting

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