关键词:英语教育现状 英语热 传统教学 英语教育模式 哑巴英语
Abstract I
摘 要 III
Foreword 1
1. The history and development of English education in China 1
1.1 A brief account of the history of English education in China 1
1.2 The present condition of English education in China 1
2. The main problems of English education in China 2
2.1 The “English-study Rush” and Chinese people overestimate the value of English to people and the country 2
2.1.1 The “English-study Rush” and the problems behind it 2
2.1.2 Chinese overestimate the value of English for individuals and the country 4
2.2 The disadvantages of present English teaching and out of joint on theory and practical operation 5
2.2.1 The disadvantages of present English teaching 5 The size of English class is too large 5 Chinese English teachers are still using the traditional way of English teaching 7
2.2.2 My views on other problems of English teaching in China 8
2.3 High cost but low benefit of English education effect. 9
3. The difference of English education pattern between China and America 9
3.1 English education pattern in China: focus on grammar while paying less attention on English listening and speaking skills, forming “dumb English”. 9
3.2 English education pattern in America: pay attention to English listening and speaking skills, cultivating English language atmosphere. 10
3.3 The reasons for the difference of English teaching modes between China and America. 11
3.4 Suggestions on English teaching modes in China: 11
4. Suitable way of English education in China 13
4.1 Analysis on the correct steps of learning a foreign language on the basic of the theory of how babies learn a new language 13
4.2 Confirm the correct pattern of English education: change the direction of “writing-reading-speaking-listening” to “listening – speaking – reading - writing” 14
4.3 Chinese English education should be linked with the situation of the country 15
Conclusion 16
References 17
Acknowledgements 18
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