What must be Held in Mind and Done in Job Hunting 第3页1.2 Job situation under the global financial crisis
The global financial crisis has had different impact on human beings’ economy, society and life as well as employment of the college graduates in 2009. How severe is the influence of the global financial storm on the employment of the college graduates? This is a problem that not only nowadays a large number of students pay attention to but also more and more people consult employment counselors. According to relevant statistics, the number of college graduates in 2009 in China will exceed 6 million, which is much larger than that in 2008. Therefore, some experts have forecast that owing to the financial crisis, college graduates in 2009 will find themselves confronted with more pressure in job hunting.
1.2.1 Different impact in different places
Currently job situation varies considerably in different places in China. According to person in charge of employment in Beijing University and People’s University of China, compared with the statistics of previous year, the number of job fairs which are held in campus and recruitment news is almost as same as those in previous year. However, the number of companies participating in job fairs in Guangzhou has decreased sharply. The man who is in charge of career guidance center of Sun Yat-sen University said,“ By the end of 7th November, only 102 companies had preached in our university, which decreased by 20% than last year.” In particular, because of the attack of global financial crisis, students who are finance and economy majors are faced with great pressure and setbacks. Mr. Chen, who is working in career guidance center of Jinan University, explained that several real estate enterprises came to recruit in the university last year but none came this year. Moreover, some large-size information technology enterprises have already cancelled their recruitment projects. According to Mr. Yang working in the career guidance center in South China Agricultural University, so far none of the real estate enterprises have contacted them. What’s more, the quantity of companies participating in the job fair has reduced to 50% in Wuhan and Chengdu.
1.2.2 Different impact in different industries
In terms of industries, the global financial crisis has a very severe impact on financial industry and export majors as well as sea transportation majors. According to Ms. Bi Xuerong from Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People’s Republic of China, owing to the influence of the negative impact of the financial crisis on economy, some enterprises may tend to reduce their total number of staff. As a result, a large number of exporters and foreign companies have been laying off employees or have already cancelled their recruitment programs. One career consultant from the website Zhaopin.com told our correspondent that even though the quantity of job vacancies has been keeping increasing, the speed of increasing has slowed down, especially in finance, trade and real estate. News from personnel-recruiting markets expresses that this year some investment banks have been keeping laying off a large amount of employees, let alone to employ new staff. Besides college graduates studying in finance, students from other majors which are relevant to the development of international economy, such as international trade major are experiencing severe attack.
2 Know about yourself-self-awareness
2.1 What is your type? Identifying your interests and exploring your career options
What is your type? Tall, dark, and handsome? Short, pale, and ugly? You have probably tried to answer that question a thousand times when it comes to dating. Some people think they know what they are looking for in a potential partner, whereas others rely on astrological signs. Or, if they are one of the roughly 60 percent of men and women responding to a poll conducted by Cosmopolitan magazine, they believe in love at first sight.
At face value, determining your type sounds like a simple concept, but is it really? Without understanding yourself first, finding your perfect match is going to be next to impossible. Unfortunately, a lack of self-awareness is evident not only in the world of dating, but also during the job search, when it occurs all too often. As a result, to avoid the uncertainty associated with change, we often seek out a new relationship that is similar to the one we just left, regardless of whether we were happy there. Don’t jump from one bad relationship to another. It’s time to break the cycle!
Self-awareness is critical to an effective job search because it enables you to determine what you want from your next opportunity. When you know what you are looking for, you can target careers or organizations that fit your wants and needs.
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