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中小企业事业单位会计英文文献和翻译 第4页

更新时间:2014-11-6:  来源:毕业论文
Budget  is  a  written  future  plan  of  actions  based  on  projected  revenue. In government in particular, the budget is viewed as the principal means of securing accountability and control over the use of public funds. Government budgets contains the  annual  estimates  of  capital  and  recurrent  expenditures  and  revenues  of  the government since the government is  expected to restrict its financial sourcing and spending on the plan contained in the budget.
Over the years, Nigerian governments, civilian or military, have been making annual  financial  planning in the form of a budget also as to regulate their financial activities  for  the   achievement  of  national  goals  and  objectives. For  a  civilian government, there are usually some constitutional provisions empowering the legislative body to grant approval on modifications to both the capital and recurrent expenditure and revenue estimates before any funds can be expended or collected.  The Executive undertakes the execution of the budget in  relation to the collection of revenues and disbursement of public funds.  At the end of a financial year, the actual results (in the
form  of  Accountant-General  Reports)  have  to  be  measured  and   released  for comparison with Budgeted results, so that appropriate actions could be taken on the
variance  that  might  arise. This  has  not  been  possible  in  Nigeria  because  of  the
reporting problem already mentioned in this paper.
Military  governments  usually  have  military  councils:  Armed  Forces  Ruling Council, Provisional Ruling Council, Supreme Military Council (AFRC, or PRC, SMC) that perform the same budgetary approval work as the National Assembly in the civilian government. But the councils are  not made up of representatives of the people – rather, members are representing their military  formations. They don't subject the budget estimates to much scrutiny, as the civilian representatives would do. This, again, means no control.
The  President  for  the  payment  issue  or  withdrawal  of  money  prepares  an appropriation bill from Consolidated Revenue Fund or any other government fund.  An appropriation bill  when  passed  into  law by  the  legislature (or  military council) and endorsed by the President is called an Appropriation Act or Decree.  The Appropriation Act or Decree is enacted annually to本文来自辣.文,论~文^网原文请找腾讯324,9114  to be incurred, both capital and recurrent. The problem with the bill is that it is always about estimates made on the basis of incrementalism.  Incremental billing is irrational, non-comprehensive and subjective.  These characteristics are normally transferred by the proposed  bill  and its resulting Act or Decree into the actual functioning of the economy and its managers.

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