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寻找工作所行所思-关于找工作 第6页

更新时间:2014-11-12:  来源:毕业论文
2.1.3 Finding yourself-career research
Make a list of jobs you think you might like. Then consider the reasons you are interested in them. As you gather more and more information about yourself, you’ll eventually reach a deeper understanding of what you are looking for-both personally and professionally. During your job search, you can use this insight to target employers and positions that fit your personality and skills. When you consider relationships, you can also take advantage of your increased self-awareness to determine whether you are compatible with someone. In both cases, self-awareness is a lifelong process, and it will continue to play an important role in your ability to locate jobs and develop personal relationships that are right for you in the future.

2.2 Exploration-self-assessment
In order for you to use your executive skills profile to best effect,you first need to carry out some self-assessment. Determine what your profile looks like and then note the strengths and weaknesses of others you interact with routinely.This will ultimately provide you with clues on how best to build your own career and how to work effectively with others.
2.2.1 Finding your own strengths and weaknesses
To measure your competency in each of the twelve areas and develop your own profile, consider these points and rate yourself on the questions for each area. The rating scale to use is:
1. strongly disagree
2. somewhat disagree
3. not sure
4. somewhat agree
5. strongly agree
Come up with a score for each skill area. Since there are five questions per skill, the highest you can score is 25. You can then identify your本文来自*辣%文.论^文&网原文请找腾讯3249.114  about having the capacity to think before you speak or act. It is the opposite of what is commonly referred to as“putting your foot in your mouth.”A person with self-restraint takes a methodical approach and thinks everything through logically rather than being impulsive.
 I always take my time before making up my mind.
 I am generally tactful and diplomatic.
 I usually think before I speak.
 I always make sure I have the facts before I act.
 I seldom make comments that make others uncomfortable.
Skill 2-Working Memory: This is your ability to hold information in your mind while you perform other complex tasks. People with good working memories remember appointments or even the items they need to buy without using written lists. The opposite of good working memory is usually described as being absent-minded.
 I remember facts, dates and details readily.
 I am good at remembering my commitments.
 I naturally remember to complete my tasks.
 I always keep sight of the goals I want to accomplish.

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