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How to Memorize Words Easily 如何轻松地记忆英语单词

更新时间:2014-11-15:  来源:毕业论文
necessary in vocabulary learning. The thesis comes up with some practical, interesting and efficient strategies of vocabulary learning called conventional ways and neat tricks, which will stimulate the students’ imagination and their interest in English learning and finally enlarge their vocabulary. Though some neat tricks may lack scientific theories, they are easy and highly effective for students to memorize the words. If students know about them and are willing to use them, they will find the process of learning new words enjoyable. More importantly, they can find some new methods suitable for them. Anxiety will be lowered and confidence will be boosted. Thus, vocabulary learning will be both effective and efficient.
2. Theoretical Background  
2.1 Current Research Findings of Language Learning Strategies (LLS)
It’s viewed that second language learning strategies can play a rather pervasive role in second language learning, and research has progressed beyond simply counting the number of strategies.
  Research into the area of language strategies began in the 1970s. And second language learning strategies have been defined in various ways. “Stern tries to distinguish between strategies and techniques in second language learning. According to him, strategy refers to general tendencies or overall characteristic of the approach employed by the language learner while ‘learning technique’ refers to particular forms of observable learning behavior, more or less consciously employed by the learner.”  “In the process of identifying and categorizing language strategies, many learners dealt indirectly with strategies specifically applicable to vocabulary learning.” In fact, training research on learning strategies for the second languages has been limited almost exclusively to cognitive applications with vocabulary tasks. Also, “Cohen points out that language learning and language use strategies can be defined as those processes which are consciously selected by learners and which may result in action taken to enhance the learning or use of a second or foreign language, through the storage, retention, recall, and application of information about the language.”报错can't open /dev/fb0 no such device
   Despite the fact that there are so many language strategies, few neat tricks of individual vocabulary strategies have been researched, except for main strategies being guessed from content and certain mnemonics, such as associating mnemonic, repeating mnemonic and mechanical mnemonic. For example: “common way for learners to deal with vocabulary is using the books to recite and spell the words again and again.

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