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How to Memorize Words Easily 如何轻松地记忆英语单词

更新时间:2014-11-15:  来源:毕业论文
They can remember the pronunciation, spelling and meaning quickly. But they can’t get the relative knowledge, such as background and usage of the words. The words can be remembered quickly shortly, but it can also be forgotten easily.” “Nevertheless, combining the results from general learning strategy research with those from more vocabulary-specific studies allows us to derive a number of tentative general conclusions about vocabulary learning strategies.”
2.2 Why Are 本文来~自!辣@文#论$文%网^原&文*请!找%腾讯3249.114  suggests that it is significant for learners to acquire vocabulary in large quantity and good quality. Present research into vocabulary study  focuses mostly on memory work based on psychology and empirical experiments,like strategies of memorizing vocabulary, such as memorizing words by the way of affixes, roots, sense relations, using riddles, jokes, stories etc. In fact, in addition to these,more creative research on vocabulary learning is worthwhile.
  Vocabulary learning strategies are effective tools for developing communicative competence as well as English learning. Appropriate strategies can help to improve proficiency and build up great self-confidence in vocabulary learning. Faced with a large vocabulary, they need some tricks to make the process more enjoyable and profitable.
       “Stress should be laid on the importance of adopting both individual and social strategies for enhancing linguistic proficiency. The former might include watching or listening to English regularly, jotting down new vocabulary or comprehension problems, and reading for pleasure. The latter is concerned with maximizing opportunities to use English. ” For example, learners had better join in the English corner and try to communicate with others as often as possible.
3.Ways of Words Memorizing
3.1 Conventional Ways
3.1.1 Affixes and Roots
We know that words can be analyzed into morphemes, which are the minimal meaningful units in the composition of words. In word formation, however morphemes are conventionally labeled root, affix. Affixes are forms that are attached to words or word element to modify meaning or function root is the basic form of a word which can not be further analyzed without total loss of identity in the word internationalists, removing inter-,-al -ist, -s , leaves the root nation in the view of their distribution. In the formation of words, affixes can fall into prefix and suffix and prefixes are all derivational. They are used to form new words, whereas suffixes embrace both derivational suffixes and inflectional suffixes.
Take the prefixes and suffixes in the following table for example:

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