1.2.5 Conciseness
Conciseness is the first request of correspondence. It requires the writer to complete message by using the briefest expression without sacrificing clarity or courtesy. A good business letter should be precise and get the point. Single words are more efficient than phrases. Phrases are more efficient than sentences. Wordy language requires more time to type and to read, therefore less desirable in the business world.
Poor: We have begun to export our machines to the foreign countries.
Better: We have begun to export machines.对盗窃罪相关司法解释的探讨 Poor: I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your kind cooperation.
Better: Thank you for your kind cooperation.
1.2.6 Concreteness
Business letter should be specific, definite rather than vague, abstract. For instance, qualities or characters of goods should be shown with exact figures while avoiding words like short, long or good. Avoid using the expressions such as yesterday, next month, immediately, etc. Give specific time (with date, month, year and even offer hour, and minute if necessary). Business correspondence refers to time, and money, therefore use the clearest expressions when writing the business letters. 本文来自!辣$文%论&文~网原文请找腾讯32.49114
Poor: We have drawn on you as usual under your L/C.如何提高教师问题设计的质量
Better: We have drawn on you our sight draft No.345 for the Invoice amount, US$5600.00, under your L/C No. 246 of the China Bank.
Poor: We wish to confirm our telex dispatched yesterday.
Better: We confirm our telex from July 2nd, 2005.