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更新时间:2016-7-31:  来源:毕业论文

The Application of Experience Teaching Method in Junior Middle School Classroom Teaching
Abstract and Key Words

Abstract: This thesis, by studying today’s implementation of the new English Curriculum and junior middle school students’ special psychological features, concrete and sensitive to knowledge learning, tries to advocate the experience teaching based on Kolb’s theory. At the same time, the paper also emphasizes the importance and necessity of changing teachers’ roles in the new situation. Based on the literature review concerning Kolb’s theory and his theory of the experience teaching method, this paper elaborates on the characteristics of the experience teaching method and its adoption in junior middle school classroom teaching through some examples. It is concluded that the experience teaching method should be highly advocated and it is applicable to junior middle school classroom instruction and that teachers should be aware of the necessity of role-changing and adapt themselves to the new round of the English curriculum reform. Accordingly, some suggestions for the adoption of the experience teaching method in junior middle school classroom teaching are proposed in the paper.
Key words: the English Curriculum; experience teaching method; Kolb’s theory; teachers’ roles

关键词:英语课程标准;体验式教学法;库伯理论;教师的角色 网上购物的电子支付方法英语文献和翻译
1. Introduction.1
2. The Theory of Experience Teaching Method----Kolb’s Theory.2
3. The Characteristics of Experience Teaching Method......4
3.1 A Constant Teaching Process Based on Students’ Experience
3.2 A Process with Students’ Active  www.751com.cn Construction and Creation
3.3 A Changing Process of the Students’ Learning
4. The Adoption of Experience Teaching Method in Junior Middle School Classroom Teaching......7
5. Teachers’ Roles in the Adoption of Experience Teaching Method.....8
6. Conclusion..9


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