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英文论文_体验式教学法在初中英语课堂中的应用及概念 第3页

更新时间:2016-7-31:  来源:毕业论文
favored the view that life is education and children should be encouraged to learn from their doings. Wang Yuqing (2011) thought the experience teaching method is student-centered and task-based and can greatly improve the learning effect by leading students to experience learning situations created by teachers. According to Luo Dongping (2007), the most valuable knowledge comes from people’s own experiences which can be kept deeply in mind and made use of. As a result, he advised that English teachers should apply the experience teaching method to incorporate their teaching contents into the students’ internal or eternal experiences. www.751com.cn Wu Liangqin (2009浅谈初中数学课堂教学的引入) defined the experience teaching method as a student-centered and task-based method by which students can master grammatical rules through concrete experience and apply them appropriately in communicative situations. Still other scalars, represented by Yang Chunhong (2008), did some trials and experiments on the experience teaching method such as creating an actual situation, doing a role-play, conducting a social research and enjoying a concrete experience. Kolb’s learning theory has aroused many Chinese scholars’ interest. Wang Laixi (2008) believed that Kolb’s learning styles play a great importance in the collection or organization of teaching materials, in the application of multimedia computer as the teaching aids, and in the motivation of students’ cognition and affects. Presently, some scholars try to apply the experience teaching method into classroom teaching in the new round of Basic English education reform. In Guo Yurong’s study (2008) which aims at the exploration of the application of the experiential teaching approach to high school English classroom teaching against the background of a new English teaching reform, he conducted some experiments in regard to the ways of improving high school English teaching with the aid of the experiential teaching approach, showing the feasibility of the application of experiential teaching approach to senior high school English classrooms.
However, in spite of the successes that scholars have greatly achieved in studying the experience teaching method, the studies are far from enough as to reveal how this method makes effects in English teaching in junior middle schools classroom under the influences of the new round of Basic English reform as well as the junior middle school students’ differences in psychology.            .
According to the situations above, this paper aims at the application of the experience teaching method in classroom English teaching in junior middle schools under the present situation and proposes some suggestions for how junior middle school teachers adapt themselves to the new reform in Basic English teaching.

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