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英文论文_体验式教学法在初中英语课堂中的应用及概念 第4页

更新时间:2016-7-31:  来源:毕业论文
The Theory of Experience Teaching Method——Kolb’s theory
 Whenever people refer to the experience teaching method, David Kolb’s name will firstly come into their minds. Kolb is regarded as the father of experiential learning theory (ELT) for he is the first man who systematically proposed it in his book Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development in 1984. It is based on Kolb’s learning theory that the experience teaching method is developed and has been highly praised in academia. Han Yu (2011) states

Experiential teaching means that teachers create various scenarios, and guide students from passive to active, from dependence to independence, and let students learn to avoid and transform the negative emotions and misconceptions, and make students feel fully www.751com.cn contained in teaching activities with joy so as to achieve the purpose of promoting students’ self-development.

Therefore, the experiential teaching approach is a students-centered and task-based teaching approach from which students can apply what they have learnt through their own experiences in class to practical communication.
The experience teaching method is proposed on the basis of many theories, but in this essay the writer will focus on Kolb’s theory. By reviewing the learning modes proposed by Lewin, Dewey and Piaget, Kolb described learning as a continuous process that originates from experience and obtains notions from the continuous amendment. In 1984, Kolb formulated his “experiential learning mode.” As is known to all, Kolb’s theory is best known for the four-stage model of experiential learning: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. And the logical relations of the four stages are a cooperative connection and circulate from the beginning to the end, followed by a new learning cycle. 本文来自辣,文^论#文~网,加7位QQ324_9114找源文
Figure1. Kolb’s model of experiential learning (Kolb,1984) 挖掘数学教材内容创设教学情景

In Kolb’s innovative learning model, there are four phases of a learning cycle, namely, concrete experience (CE), reflective observation(RO), abstract conceptualization(AC), and active experimentation (AE) (see Fig. 1). The four stages of the task are as follows:
1. CE: learners experience a new situation through their feeling;

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