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浅析罗伯特·弗罗斯特诗歌中的象征主义 第5页

更新时间:2016-8-12:  来源:毕业论文
The Symbolism Movement began in France in the 1880s as a literary phenomenon. The term “symbolism”, however, quickly came to encompass a range of arts, from painting and sculpture to theater and music. While the movement is often said to have spanned a long period of time, about from the year 1885 to1895, the ideas and aesthetic interests of symbolism are often traced back to the middle of the nineteenth century, and many early twentieth-century artists and writers continued to be influenced by its ideas. It exploited an immense influence throughout Europe. Symbolism was first and foremost a movement in French literature centered in Paris, and many of its central participants were French ( Paul Verlaine, Arthur Rimbaud). Yet many artists and writers from elsewhere were also central to French symbolism: Maurice Maeterlinck, émile Verhaeren, and Albrecht Rodenbach were Belgian, Jean Moréas was Greek, Téodor de Wyzewa was Polish, and Stuart Merrill was American. In addition, there were symbolist movements in Germany, Italy, Russia, and Belgium. Many scholars also see mid-nineteenth-century British aestheticism as a form of symbolism.

III. Features of Robert Frost’s poetry

    Robert Frost (1847-1963), one of the most popular American poets in the 20th century, rated as his contemporary T.S. Eliot and Wallace Stevens. In any list of poets of importance in the twentieth century, regardless of nationality, Robert Frost commands a place. In Robert Frost’s lifetime, he was bestowed numerous literary awards and honor, and dozens of honorary degrees from 在城市工作的人员关于农民工城市化与融入的调查问卷 granted the title of the nation’s unofficial Poet laureate when invited to read his poems at President Kennedy’s  inauguration in 1961”(Chang 195). He bestowed a posthumous tribute to Frost, to “its tide and lifts all spirits” and to the poet “whose sense of the human tragedy fortified his against self-deception and easy consolation”(Safire 585-591). As America’s national poet, Robert Frost remained an immense 本文来自辣,文^论#文~网,加7位QQ324_9114找源文
www.751com.cn American common people and American literary world. An example is that the University of Iowa pressed the collection of poetry—Visiting Frost: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of Robert Frost which collected the poems written by 100 poets. The literature triumph makes Frost become an eternal monument of spirit in American people even the world people.
3.1 Robert Frost’s Poetic Style   

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