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更新时间:2016-8-21:  来源:毕业论文
2.1 High Production Lathes
The most representative market for this type of machines presently is the automotive industry. The automotive industry has become the paradigm of high productivity in high accuracy applications, leading its suppliers, machine tool manufacturers among them, to the development of precise, reliable high production products. In the case of vertical and horizontal lathes, there are five basic characteristics shared by all these machines:
1. They have compact machines, for minimum floor space occupation.
2. They are equipped with one or two headstocks and two, three or four turrets for
minimum process time, and maximum productivity.
3. Maximum relevance is given to the manipulation, loading and unloading of workpieces, applying a huge variety of solutions, from external conveyors integrated with the machine, to pure internal pick-up solutions.
Vertical machines have been pioneers in solving the workpiece integrated pick-up, especially with the development of machines with upper headstocks.

Fig. 2.1.1 Pick-up solution in a vertical lathe from Emag
These lathes were specially developed for this purpose, plus the advantage of easier chip evacuation. Solutions for parts such as brake discs or similar parts were developed in the 1990s by several leading manufacturers such as Emag(Fig. 2.1.1), Weisserand Hesappand extended later to the rest of the manufacturers.
Recently, some solutions have been developed in vertical lathes for long and slender parts, such as shafts, which were typical horizontal applications. In horizontal lathes the loading solution was performed by external elements. Lately, some remarkable integrated solutions have been developed. Among them, the patented solutions of Weisser(Fig. 2.1.2), that applies the usual pick-up concept of vertical inverted lathes to a horizontal configuration, and Index, performing the pick-up operation via tool turrets, that hold special chucks for picking the workpiece up in the two tool position.
Recently, some solutions have been developed in vertical lathes for long and slender parts, such as shafts, which were typical horizontal applications. In horizontal lathes the loading solution was performed by external elements. Lately, some remarkable integrated solutions have been developed. Among them, the patented solutions of Weisser(Fig. 2.1.2), that applies the usual pick-up concept of vertical inverted lathes to a horizontal configuration, and Index, performing the pick-up operation via tool turrets, that hold special chucks for picking the workpiece up in the two tool position.
4. They have a high speed on headstocks and high dynamics on displacement axes for minimum lead time. For this purpose, the machines are equipped with本文来自辣,文,论#文,网,www.751com.cn 加7位QQ324.9114找源文 Gildemeister, linear motors for axe displacement.
5. Basically, they only perform turning operations, thus, with optional simple operations like drilling or basic milling, they are performed by motorised tools installed in the turret. Nevertheless, one of the latest evolutions has been the inclusion of grinding wheel heads to complete the machining processes. This tendency is being applied both in vertical and horizontal machines, as shown in Fig. 2.1.3.

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