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过程装备与控制工程英文参考文献和翻译 第4页

更新时间:2016-11-3:  来源:毕业论文
where gN is the amount of penetration, ġN is the relative normal velocity in the contact and H ˙ gN is a step function:
Hx = 1; x≤0
When the belt and pulley come into contact the normal relative velocity is negative ġN≤0 and the pulley penetrates a certain
distance gN≤0 into the belt.When the contact between the belt and the pulley is established, the belt-rib deforms,which results in
an increased contact area between the belt and the pulley, see Fig. 2. As reported in [13], the contact area also depends on the
surface roughness in correlation with the normal contact force.
Thus, it is expected that the contact stiffness will be a function of the rubber-belt material, the belt-rib and pulley-groove
geometries as well as the roughness of the contacting surfaces. In order to measure the cumulative influence of these parameters
on the contact stiffness the experimental setup in Fig. 3 is proposed. The 5PK belt segment of length 4 cm is pressed against the
plate, which has identical grooves to the pulley for the K-section belts. The compression of the belt segment and the grooved plate
was achieved with the universal Zwick/Roell Z050 testing machine in the temperature chamber. The tests were conducted at four
different temperatures, which enabled us to determine the influence of the temperature on the mechanical properties of the belt-

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过程装备与控制工程英文参考文献和翻译 第4页下载如图片无法显示或论文不完整,请联系qq752018766
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