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压电式传感器与测力仪英文文献和翻译 第2页

更新时间:2016-11-5:  来源:毕业论文
Imitation of foreign things, often much don't know the why. Only through their own practice, progress and breakthrough in theory, in order to develop new products with independent intellectual property rights. This article introduces the application of the results through the technical appraisement and obtain a patent for invention, most have been converted into products.
1 piezoelectric effect theory research present situation and the results
In spite of the piezoelectric effect of piezoelectric in modern science, crystal in physics has been systematically, deeply, and complete, however, the theory and application of piezoelectric effect research did not come to an end. On the basis of predecessors' research with counterparts at home and abroad, according to the actual engineering needs, in terms of piezoelectric effect theory, explores the mainly in the following respects.
1.1 piezoelectric quartz crystal tangential sensitivity distribution of study\"
Current piezoelectric equation given in the charge sensitivity coefficient are almost ideal constant or piezoelectric strain coefficient, comparatively large difference with the actually measured value. In order to master the sensitivity and piezoelectric coefficient changing with the load and other external conditions, and improve the multidirectional pressure power sensor crystal assembly accuracy, and reduce the transverse interference and so on, on their own research {} j crystal sensitivity experiment device, sensitivity to commonly used type of typical quartz cut distribution regularity of experiment research. The result is the tangential load X0. Cut type wafer impact is not big, but to Y0. Type cutting chips is very big. The influence of role in Y0 type cutting chips on the tangential force and the relationship between the maximum shear sensitivity direction as shown in figure 1,
Figure for the actual shear plane between theoretical maximum shear plane Angle. According to the obtained at different Angle of tangential sensitivity s log, using the least squares fitting calculation, with fu type series to the measured curve approximation, by gaussian elimination method, finally obtained the measured curve (as shown in figure 2) and its analytical expression} thus concluded Y0. Type cutting chip tangential direction of the tangential force (sensitivity of raised cosine function in time harmonic component changes of important conclusions. Moreover, the sensitivity rate of change is different when different, near the axis of minimum, j, maximum near the shaft, thus for sensor design, assembly and the error analysis provides a theoretical basis.
1.2 study torsional effect of quartz crystal
So far, research on piezoelectric effect type, from the Angle of stress can be divided into: effects of longitudinal and transverse effect (both) caused by normal stress and shear effect} from the Angle of the components deformation is divided into; Pressure effect, bending effect, torsional effect is still missing. The measurement of torque sensor and torsion effect has a direct application, almost all is according to the principle of shear effect combined with lever of quartz {} j, need more tangential chip, in order to improve the sensitivity also need larger lever. This sensor is actually a complex composed of multiple sensor, process complex, high cost, the sensor is difficult to miniaturization and integration. So, torsion effect research will make piezoelectric effect from 2 d to 3 d, from linear polarization is extended to nonlinear polarization, and will reverse sensor research and development to lay a theoretical foundation for monomer.
Author according to the experimental study and theoretical analysis has proved the quartz monocrystal torsional effect does exist. In summary, completed the following work: piezoelectric quartz are analyzed by using the theory of elasticity theory, piezoelectric torsional stress and caused by its nonlinear polarization state. The electrodynamics, polarization can produce electric field in space. And according to equivalent principle of electric field and polarization gradient exists, not only produce surface bound charge on the surface of the piezoelectric body surface, and in its internal also functioning bound charge accumulation. Starting from the maxwell's equations and vector analysis, derived bound charge excitation electric fields to satisfy partial differential equation. By introducing the electrostatic field of the scalar potential function,

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