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压电式传感器与测力仪英文文献和翻译 第5页

更新时间:2016-11-5:  来源:毕业论文
In addition to reference the international famous brand products, mainly is the research and development with independent intellectual property rights of patented products.
(1) piezoelectric knife bar type turning dynamometer (figure 9). Its shape is like the ordinary cylindrical turning tool, clamp a three-way pressure power sensor; When cutting force act on it, automatically decompose o72 output, Y, 3 to force component. Its key technology is elastic deformation of the structure optimization design and production, sensors, stiffness and deformation of ring ask matching and deformation coordination, sensors, preloading and load-sharing, dynamometer assembly and debugging, etc. The dynamometer is simple and good performance, easy to use, has won the Chinese invention patents H, recently, according to user needs, and to develop suitable for nc machine tools and machining center of small knife bar type three-way dynamometer.
(2) monolithic piezoelectric milling grinding load platform (figure
1. ) 0 \"). The load platform with existing clip four sensors in normal strain between the upper and lower two pieces of tablet platform, it only consists of one part and two sensor. The sensor USES push-pull configuration, not only multiply the sensitivity, and has temperature compensation function. In addition, because of good rigidity, high natural frequency, especially suitable for dynamic cutting and cutting (such as grinding, milling) research. At present, the domestic many colleges and universities are using these 2 kinds of dynamometer.
(3) the wuding central drill cutting dynamometer. It is the use of piezoelectric crystal
Torsional effect and the moment of couple could move in arbitrary plane principle of torque measuring device. With ordinary drilling dynamometer tao that watch is nice. Its Zeng Ge, processing scope, bit without with the axis of dynamometer for} can be attached to the specimen in the dynamometer support arbitrary place David tang L
3 general load monitoring and control system development
The system software is mainly with the research of heir sensor with dynamometer, constitutive wei \"object to be measured A force measurement device A charge amplifier. Lead is A commonly used A/D - A computer software and peripherals\" measurement and control system. The system of computer hardware and software requirements above tPentiuml00 CPU, more than 50 MB of free disk space, the Windows 98 operating system in Chinese. Visual Basic 6.0 programming. The main functions of the system after t1) before the multi-channel signal acquisition, signal processing and synchronization sampling. The dynamic curve and yu 2 kind of way to selectively change continuously according to A direction of cutting force, record and display the force value and so on, convenient for the operator to make corresponding decision or taken for monitoring system for controlled heir signals. 2) compensation and eliminate ask transverse phase (q) interference signal, using by the measured interference coefficient of pad set up relationship between true value and the measured values of system of linear equations. The calculated by software in real-time pad true value output. 3) zero drift in the park.
4) have a certain data processing and image processing function, Fourier can be positive and negative transform, correlation analysis, etc.
4 the piezoelectric effect and the trend of research and prospect
Piezoelectric effect research, though has a history of more than 100 years. But with the crystal physics, materials science, development of the hui electronics, electrostatics and the need of modern control technology of clear, piezoelectric effect research began from macro to micro, from the simple positive (negative) effect to inverse effect is comprehensive, from a effect to twice or three times that many times regeneration effect research direction. The following combined with the author's recent research work, talk about some views.
4.1 the research of piezoelectric actuators pocket with developer divide Song Yi [\"
Inverse piezoelectric effect of piezoelectric actuators is the specific application. With the development of all kinds of automation technology, the theory of piezoelectric actuators yuan on the quantity and quality requirements more and more high, especially for miniature piezoelectric perform tao in the research and development is urgently needed. Such as, current in electrical scanning pulp way in five arms can be observed under cells, molecules and even larger, however, if you want a logo on it for operation is not easy, it must be finished by corresponding badge actuators. In recent years has developed the following device or product

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