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《裸者与死者》中权利欲对人性的影响 第7页

更新时间:2016-11-7:  来源:毕业论文
The ego can be considered to be the part of the id that is modified by continuous relation to the outside world. Croft’s sadism is also in other ways visible. He kills a striker for no particular reason at all, and fell a great satisfaction after he done it. He is also cruel in killing a Japanese prisoner. He does not kill the prisoner immediately; instead he pacifies him by giving him a bar of chocolate and a cigarette. This act of kindness relieves the prisoner and in his gratitude he even shows them a picture of his family. But before he could judge what’s happening, the prisoner is shot in the head with the smile on his face. Croft is satisfied: “he realized suddenly that a part of his mind, very deeply buried, had known he was going to kill the prisoner from the moment he had sent Red an ahead” (1948:168). Croft loves combat more than anything else in that only in combat does he find release from his hatred of the world. So when the platoon is first assigned to beach detail he is, deferent to others, dejected and longs to be in battle immediately. In additional, his desire to control others is everywhere evident. Croft has an abnormal and pathological psychosis.

Both Cummings’s mind and Croft’s mind, they all respect their pursuit for power. So, to discuss the production of power is very important
4 The Production of Power
Just because attack instinctive desire for power exists everywhere, the analysis the production of power is unavoidable. The characters in book are all end up with failure.

4.1 From the Perspective of Individual
In the Headquarter, power overrides everything, needless to say, the whole reconnaissance platoon attunes to an authoritarian style.The real motive of the tug of war is to get power, to be simple, it is a power struggle. General Cummings and Staff Sergeant Croft are the two typical totalitarians in The Naked and the Dead. General Cummings believes that “the entire historical process has been working toward greater and greater consolidation of power’’ (1948:254). This brilliant and ambitious fascist forecasts a thousand-year reign of totalitarianism. In his eyes, human’s primary desire is to struggle for power over other men and natural world and Hitler is the interpreter of twentieth century men.

“Men’s deepest urge is omnipotence?” “Yes. […]To achieve God.When we come kicking into the
world,we are God, the universe is the limit of our senses.And when we get older, when we discover that the universe is not us, it’s the deepest trauma of our existence.” “I'd say your deepest urge is omnipotence, that’s a11.”(1948:255)

He takes comfort in the view the desire for omnipotence is basic to human nature, and believes that totalitarianism is preferable to communism because “it’s grounded firmly in men’s actual natures.” (1948:253). He insists that “there’s never a man who can swear to his own innocence. We’re all guilty, that’s the truth.” (1948:145). He exercises a tyrannical control over everything and directs the whole six thousand men in the recon. In order to obtain victory, he attempts to break his men’s spirits. He maintains: “there’s one thing about power. It can flow only from the top down. When there are little surges of resistance at the middle levels, it merely calls for more power to be directed downward, to burn it out.” (1948:255)

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《裸者与死者》中权利欲对人性的影响 第7页下载如图片无法显示或论文不完整,请联系qq752018766
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