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从《美国X档案》中剖析白人社会中的黑人文化冲突 第2页

更新时间:2016-11-19:  来源:毕业论文
1 Introduction
The United States enjoys the fame of the biggest power in the world. In modern times, America does it best to develop its economy at a very fast speed. With its fast economic increasing rate, America views itself as a nation which enjoys great reputation of advocating great human rights and individual equality. However, the conflict between the white culture and the black culture is a big problem in American society. For example, racial discrimination still has not been eradicated in this highly prosperous country. Injustice is everywhere to be seen in American nowadays.

Fifty years later after Martin Luther King delivered his world-known speech, I Have a Dream, racial discrimination and culture conflicts between the whites and blacks still happen today. As a matter of fact, there are many works reflecting the issue, including various literature works and films. This paper profoundly analyzes the current racism and conflicts in the United States which is based on American History X. There are a great number of vivid and real plots and scenes portraying it. These scenes come from our real life, meanwhile it reminds us of this issue.

Therefore this thesis will describe the history and current situation of racial discrimination. Then this paper will put forward some suggestions and analyze the racism to solve this problem from the aspects of historical origins and development in the following chapters.

2 Synopsis and Theme of American History X
In this chapter, it will discuss the main plot of American History X. First, through the main character’s shifting view from his childhood to his release, the author intends to demonstrate that the injustice against the black American and the conflicts between the white majority and the black minority still exist. Secondly, it can be alleviated to some degree. Nevertheless, the two different cultures seems incompatible. The racism against the black American has a long history. Take that into consideration, there are still great uncertainty and instability in this temporary alleviation.

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